Factions of the Elite

I have mentioned in the past I have significant doubts about the ability of the ruling elites of this world to do half the things they would like to do to us. There has been continuing talk of reducing the population, via several different means. All we need is for Monsanto to keep replacing more real crops with franken-foods and we’ll all be dead soon enough — or may wish we were. That’s a very real threat, but there are some which seem a little unlikely.

Making a study of the conspiracy theorists and underground resistance groups, I run into quite a few “warnings” of things which simply don’t have contact with reality. Not that there aren’t hare-brained leaders today capable of trying some really stupid things, but some rate a very low probability. For example, some folks in Obama’s camp are telling others they have concrete plans to confiscate private firearms in the US — all firearms. That’s a game of “let’s you and him fight” because they won’t be the ones getting shot, but some poor fool in uniform. That a handful of imported police squads and BlackWater were capable of disarming folks in New Orleans should not be treated as a representative trial run. There are places a lot less friendly about such things.

Some of these theories are more probable. One camp of international elites plan to recondition folks to be less patriotic, or nationalistic, and make folks think “globally.” At the same time, another faction is working hard to stir up a faux nationalism so we keep engaging foreign countries in war. You can’t have it both ways. The old warning about FEMA concentration camps still gets notice from time to time, but there simply aren’t that many places where such camps can be hidden from the locals. Now, there is a huge federal transfer center at our local airport, some 800 beds run by the US Marshals, but that thing stays pretty full. You should see it: several stories tall, there’s a branch of the runway which crosses over the highway directly to the building. There’s a secure jetway and everything. But the idea of a camp hidden at Tinker AFB is just a little far out. There is a good place for one, but it’s not exactly hidden. I doubt it would take long to set up a pretty good one quickly, having seen some of the plans during my Military Police training. The appropriate site is visible this time of year because of the foliage thinning.

On the other hand, there just aren’t enough warm bodies to secure such a thing at that location. That is, while they could probably keep inmates inside, they couldn’t quite prevent folks outside helping to break it open. Think about how much defense it would take for a 10 acre camp, when using quick fencing and such. Think about how easily the whole dang airbase could be overrun by locals who didn’t like their brother or mom being detained inside. I seriously doubt I’m the only experienced military veteran capable of organizing a penetration team and making it work, and most certainly not the only one who would find a reason and the moral courage. More importantly, I’m pretty sure quite of few folks in uniform would actually be on our side.

So the speculation can be pretty entertaining when someone is so very sure he knows martial law is being planned for February 2009. Again, it’s not that we lack fools who would try it, but just how likely would it work? A sudden crack-down in some places is just begging for dead policemen and troops. Yes, it’s possible to weaken some populations by poisoning the municipal water works, but too many folks in government can’t get another source for very long. On the other hand, there are several thousand little communities with independent water supplies. Just out the back side of my mobile home is a water tower fed by three wells. I doubt anyone could get to it without getting shot, and there’s a heavy percentage of gun-toting crazies living in this trailer park, people who loved the movie Red Dawn.

Was the current economic malaise engineered? You bet it was. Mostly it was to further enrich a certain bunch of rich folks. Is there a plan to bring down the US government, to make us part of some larger regional or world government? Sure. Folks have been working on that for a long time. Conditions aren’t right yet. Will there be a crack-down and police state, or martial law? Good chance of it, at least in some locations here in the US. Cities are especially ripe for manipulation, because the people living in them are so very vulnerable and dependent. When unemployment hits some critical tipping point, there will be riots. That’s just human nature. When there are riots, police and troops will respond. There will be bloodshed, because inevitably the cops and troops will do some really stupid things, at least half the time when following really stupid policies and orders. They do it just about every day. You only read about the times when the victims lose; you won’t hear much about successful defense against rogue cops, but it happens.

There really is a group of folks trying to gain a little more control over the human race. Most of them are bankers, financiers, or just really big business types. They work through funds, think tanks, behind the scenes manipulating the flow of money to this or that candidate for public office, this or that college professor with a radical bent, this or that policy wonk working to pervert the bureaucracy, etc. Yes, they are real. But they don’t all have the same plans. Not like the fake difference between the Republicans and Democrats, but a real difference. They are not all working to the same end because they don’t all agree on how best to save the world from itself. If any one faction wins, the others will be unhappy, and you can be sure they’ll fight in some fashion. It’s vaguely possible they’ll come to a consensus on some things, but not everything, not by a long shot.

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