All Too Soon

As mentioned previously, all this prognostication is just a guessing game. But you’d have to be completely blind to think we aren’t going to experience significant misery here in the US, and quite likely the whole world.

One of my favorite reads is Vox Day’s blog, and today he and his friendly commenting crew have given us a rather concrete time frame, and I tend to agree: as early as February 2009 may be when it all becomes really noticeable.

Keep in mind, there are tipping points, and they are usually visible only in retrospect. Don’t count on the stock market to tell you much, though it might. That’s merely the panic meter. And while public panic does have a strong effect on reality, it’s even harder to predict than any other factor. What it seems we can pin down is the momentum on lost jobs, closing businesses, along with the collapse of the dollar, should probably hit the point of no return in a couple of months. The biggest factor in how quickly, and how painful, is the rate at which people turn to other forms of employment when the currently inflated economic matrix comes apart further. If folks quickly discover other ways to get other folks to trade with them for their labor, we’ll do quite well. The mass of those who aren’t so adaptable will be the dead weight dragging down our national survival.

I tend to agree with the comment which posits the primary effect will be a loss of purchasing power with a matching loss in government services. At any rate, depending on your source of income, most of us have a couple of months left to create whatever survival stockpile we are going to have.

Just a guess, folks.

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2 Responses to All Too Soon

  1. Mark says:

    I guess in Feb it will be have rosary will travel. through God all things are possible.

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