Morgellon’s Disease: Shut Up and Eat That GMO

You aren’t supposed to know. The good folks at Monsanto could care less about your well being, they simply want your money. And everyone else’s money, too. So they used DNA technology to modify food purely for market gains. If you don’t know enough about it, you really need to see the movie: The World According to Monsanto.

Of course, Monsanto is carefully buying and bullying every government they can to insure you don’t have any idea. Laws in the US already make it a crime to differentiate between Frankenfoods and stuff the way God intended it. Other countries have similar laws, and I pray for their sakes the Europeans and Africans hold out making this crap illegal to grow and sell in their lands. They have enough troubles without facing Morgellon’s Disease, too.

(Note: I read most sites with a plain text browser, due to a disability, so I have no idea how it will appear to you.)

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