CentOS Fix: GNOME Mahjongg Scores on “Difficult” Level

This is pretty minor and doesn’t warrant much discussion. When you play Mahjongg on the default game called “Difficult,” upon completion of that game a window pops up saying your score qualifies for the Top Ten. However, the window is empty, no scores are shown, and you can’t do anything with it except close it.

The fix was found by chasing bug reports for the upstream GNOME Games channel. As root, edit the file /usr/share/gnome-games/mahjongg/maps/mahjongg.map at line 311:

<map name="Difficult" scorename="diff">

should be

<map name="Difficult" scorename="difficult">

The game score file name in that control file doesn’t match what is created by the package in /var/lib/games/. That it was not fixed until the next release just shows the standard GNOME developer attitude of moving onto the next release without fixing the previous one.

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2 Responses to CentOS Fix: GNOME Mahjongg Scores on “Difficult” Level

  1. Pingback: CentOS Fix: GNOME Mahjongg Scores on “Difficult” Level

  2. hinky says:

    I was going to say “Thanks for that awesome posting. It saved MUCH time” but the truth is I’ve lived with this bug for over a year.

    Хинки Динк

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