During the summer of 1979, I got my hands on a copy of the Greenpeace Manifesto, as it existed at the time. The mass-produced photocopy got lost during a subsequent move, and I have not found a copy since then. To my knowledge, they don’t even have a copy on their own websites. I’ve also seen a few other manifestos and philosophy statements from individuals and organizations on the same track.
The thing which stands out for a theologian like me is the underlying pagan earth worship. There’s no better term for it. The assumption is Earth is somehow sacred, and humans are mostly a disease on the Her. Only those sufficiently enlightened to receive this truth are permitted some hope to stay while they work to destroy all other humans. I’m not joking, nor do I believe this is hyperbole. The Greens essentially hate all humans, but will tolerate the idea of keeping a few of their own kind around.
When you understand this, you realize Greens are not interested in human welfare. They want you dead, but in the meantime, they’ll accept taking control of government power to make sure you are reduced to the most primitive standard of living: eating only what falls off plants, wearing only what falls over dead on its own, building nothing, changing nothing, leaving all disease and other medical complaints untreated, etc.
All this hot air about global warming is a part of the propaganda platform. You can push, twist, and pummel evidence until it confesses to all manner of pure nonsense, so it has nothing to do with science. It’s pure religion, dressed up with whatever facts conveniently fit the lie of the day. The few in the very core of the movement are only to glad to find a few Al Gores and a couple million public education fools (including students) to lend credence to the idea you should be regulated and impoverished until you die.
Make no mistake: Greens hate you.