You ought to look up Dakins Solution. I’ve used it twice now to fight problems for which doctors prescribed some expensive medications. Dakins is simply a small amount of household bleach, a pinch of baking soda, and sterile water. Swab it on any external skin surface infected or at risk of infection. It kills bacteria, viruses and fungi.
I came home from Army Jungle School (Panama) with a fungal infection. It was the gift that kept on giving, because most of the conventional treatments never seemed to get rid of it. Many veterans have gone through the local VA Hospital Dermatology Clinic and have the same infection for as long as 50 years. I had had enough of this nasty thing (since 1979), so I decided to try Dakins. Looks like it’s dead. I’ll know for sure in a few weeks.
Think of all that money wasted every year on exotic and expensive stuff. It’s a racket.