Islamofascism: A Little Context, Please

Yes, the Quran does call for Muslims to slaughter the infidels. I could make a similar case from the Old Testament regarding those who seek to obey that book. With a little bit more work, I can find ways to excuse Christians who want to slaughter both of the above. In fact, the work is already done. In times past we have had “Christian” governments harassing and slaughtering Jews and Muslims as their sworn duty before God. Churches across the Anglo-American Western world drool over nuking everyone where Islam hold sway.

Let’s add another interesting fact. No, not speculation, but traceable facts. Perhaps you already know al-Qaeda is merely an action agency funded by the CIA, Mossad, and somewhat by MI6. Did you know the fellow who led the slaughter at the Munich Olympics was paid by Mossad? The ballyhooed vengeance slayer who went after those “terrorists” was simply trying to eliminate those who had the evidence. Not much different from the Entebe Raid, and certainly the same kind of thing which gave us the USS Liberty incident.

Do your homework; I don’t collect huge piles of links. The discovery process will do you good, but you’ll have to wade through a lot of propaganda, recognizing it for what it is, to find the facts. You’ll soon find the researchers with tons of links. My point here is not proof, but to show the context from a moral perspective. The worst acts today claimed by Muslim fanatics, or laid at their feet by others, is almost entirely the result of indirect provocations (invasion of their lands) and powerful efforts by clandestine agencies to provoke a militancy which can be used for all sorts of nefarious deeds. Ever hear of the Mujahidin and their war against Soviet occupation of Afghanistan? They are today’s Taliban, and we have plenty of evidence their warfare is still funded and even aided by Western intelligence agencies. Yes, I am absolutely certain our own government is secretly paying the enemy fighting our troops all over that region of the world. It allows Western governments to avoid the blame, keeping everyone’s attention on some manufactured bogey man to keep the fear factor high. Then they use it to justify restricting liberties and confiscating all property. We are getting screwed from both ends by the same people.

A great many Christians are very bad at Christianity. So are a great many Jews at Judaism, and a great many Muslims at Islam. It won’t matter what you consider the very essence of those religions, you can be sure the majority will never be that interested. The nature of religion includes seeking a connection with the divine, but it’s really easy to twist that away from obvious divine intent. In every religion, there are a precious few extremists who carry out the worst acts which sully the name of their preferred religion. I’ll be willing to bet the majority of religious and semi-religious Jews and Muslims would have no trouble with the statement made by James, the brother of Jesus: “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world” (James 1:27). Okay, Muslims might balk at calling Allah “Father,” but they would hardly balk at the gist of the passage. Check the context; that verse is a summary of much of what his letter was about. When religion works, it makes us different from the average, the typical rabble of humanity.

So if you think a given religion is inherently peaceful, you’ll see plenty who fail that test. If you see it as inherently violent, you’ll still find a majority unwilling to get after it. The problem really isn’t a question of what is at the heart of any religion. The problem is somewhere else. In the US today, the main problem we have with Islam was created intentionally by folks in our own government, and they are actively provoking it even now.

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