Building Xiphos on openSUSE 11.2

Given past performance, it’s quite likely someone will package Sword and Xiphos for SUSE 11.2, but I wasn’t willing to wait. For those of you eager to try this at home, I offer this outline. It is terse, but should be sufficient for those with enough experience to try it.

1. Make sure to get basic build stuff (install by group) and basic GNOME build libs (by group). YaST > Software > Software Management. Near the upper left-hand corner, click the button marked “Groups” and change it to “Patterns” and scroll down in the left pane to “Development.” Click on “Based Development, then the button below there “Install All.” Do the same for “GNOME Development.”

2. Add the following packages: icu, libicu-devel, clucene-core-devel, libcurl-devel, libMagick++-devel, and mozilla-xulrunner191-devel. Dependencies will be added automatically, of course.

3. Download latest Sword source:

4. Download latest Xiphos source:

5. Move sources to a build location; I prefer /usr/local/src/

sudo mv sword-1.5.11.tar.gz /usr/local/src/
sudo mv xiphos-3.1.1.tar.gz /usr/local/src/
cd /usr/local/src/

6. Build sword. First, we fix a bug. In sword-1.5.11/utilities/emptyvss.cpp we need to add one line. At the top of file, insert this line:

#include <cstdio>

right above #include <iostream>. Then build:

sudo ./configure --with-icu
sudo make
sudo make install

When finished, make sure Pkg-config knows about Sword: sudo cp sword.pc /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/

7. Build Xiphos.

sudo gunzip xiphos-3.1.1.tar.gz
sudo tar -xvf xiphos-3.1.1.tar
cd xiphos-3.1.1
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install

It will take awhile before GNOME notices it, so you’ll need to run it from the commandline at least once. Just type in xiphos and play with it a bit. At some point, it will be added automatically to the menu system.

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