Oppression for Your Convenience

Goal-oriented leadership is a sin.

When you find yourself in charge of an activity which involves several other humans, you should understand: From God’s point of view, the working of relations is more important than what you accomplish. That so-called “Purpose Driven” stuff is altogether a carnal concept, fully contrary to the revelation of God. Even the very fundamental nature of the Covenant of Noah is not about what governments get done, but how they go about it. It’s the process.

We have a ton of folks who have learned to mouth the words, “not product, but process.” Meanwhile, they invariably measure success on the product. You’ll tell them about the process and they’ll still be thinking results. That’s what we do in Western Civilization. It’s why we have the concept “efficiency.” It masquerades as reducing unnecessary costs, but that’s a lie to cover the rapacious malfeasance of government officials. The first and biggest sin is trying to reduce humans to uniform procedure and uniform results. Satan loves that, because it can be called “fairness” or “equality” and sold as a good thing.

Frankly, most of humanity goes along with this nonsense. Genuine uniqueness is so rare as to be remarkable. Our entire global economy stands or falls on getting folks to all want the same things, and that requires stamping out individuality in favor of “the community.” Convenience and comfort are not commodities. So when someone tries to convince you outbursts of individuality — harmlessly doing things your own way — are intruding upon others, they are almost certainly lying. There is such a thing as externalizing costs unfairly, but it’s often hidden by selling it as a public benefit. Fluoridated water, anyone? It was originally an industrial waste product, for which the responsible parties simply paid some accredited shill to sell as somehow beneficial to human health. Today, we have millions of idiot parents paying extra to pour toxic fluoridated water into their children, which is sold as “baby water.” People in the main are stupid that way.

We are so used to this, no one even thinks about it. We see this in both business and government. What is good for the profit or convenient for the bureaucrat is de facto good for you. Shut up and get in line. And we do it. And we expect it to apply in every situation.

So when we find ourselves in charge, we assume the whole point is the objective. Wrong. God says the whole point is the people involved. The entire point behind the Law Covenants is the process, the way people interact, not at all about outcomes. Stop leading to a goal, even if everyone demands it. Start leading by example and by cooperation. Coax, negotiate, contain injury, etc. As long as the only thing harmed is the results, there is no real harm. The greatest danger is the threat to the process. You will always have dead weight, so get used to it. At any given point in time, all of us fill that role. The most important thing leaders will ever focus on is keeping peace and stability by way of freedom and voluntary cooperation.

Evaluate every challenge in terms of injury only. We have a lot of trash in our heads culturally about what constitutes injury. Let’s take a warning here: What will replace “don’t ask, don’t tell” in the military will be mandatory “never shut up about it.” Oh, yes; we will celebrate our uniqueness by forcing it down everyone’s throats! That is, what isn’t illegal becomes mandatory participation. What ever happened to, “mind your own business” when it comes to human sexuality? Civility — the structure by which we fulfill Noah’s Covenant — includes the idea not every detail of your life is worthy of attention. If you are thuggish enough to brag about your skirt-chasing escapades, you deserve the hear queers describing their disgusting practices, too. Why don’t we all just shut up about it and live in peace? We measure injury on all the wrong levels.

Under God’s revelation, the state is an unmitigated evil. It cannot avoid leading to oppression, because the state reduces all people to things, resources to be managed. The necessity of personal involvement is thereby forbidden, a direct affront to God Almighty.

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One Response to Oppression for Your Convenience

  1. internet elias says:

    Hmmmmm. Yip..world’s a pretty confusing jumble of ideas and philosophies. ‘In the world but not of the world.’ Those members of the Kingdom of God…are indeed not ‘of the world.’ But they are ‘in the world.’ The Body of Christ is virtually hidden in this world. But they are there. Quietly loving those they encounter. Letting their answers be pretty much limited to ‘Yea’ and ‘Nea.’ They do not judge and intrude their views on others. They ‘live’ their views…in meekness, kindness, and servitude to others. They ‘turn the other cheek’. They exemplify the meekness of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They do not argue, contend, fight, yell, draw attention to themselves and their ‘righteousness.’ They are ‘few’…yet they exist. You know them when you encounter them. You say to yourself, ‘that’s a good guy.’

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