Unpopular Facts: Hard to Win a Hearing

Chances are, the folks you know don’t want to hear about it. They regard it as personal obsessions, not provable facts. Funny how people understand the basics of civility when they see themselves as the victims. They want you to keep your wild notions to yourself, but are all too willing to help evil crush the truth.

It’s too easy to find evidence. It’s certainly easy to find on the Internet. The US government is run by sociopaths. The rest of human media output tends to cover up for them, but for now, the Internet is reliably open and exposes their evil. You’ll get plenty of faux “alternative news sources” — say, Rush Limbaugh, for example — who pooh-pooh reports of torture as simply waterboarding, loud stereo music and other relatively harmless pressures. No, it’s outright murder, but only after days, weeks, even months of very brutal abuse. It’s stuffing rags down the throat and into the larynx itself so they can’t be heard to cry out as their are jolted with electric shocks which sear the flesh, cut, burned, abraded, anally raped, and beaten. Death comes as a sweet relief. No, not just our out-sourced torture in foreign countries, but our US personnel are doing these things.

Often, they are done to people the officers know for a fact are innocent of any harm to the US. It doesn’t matter, though, because their mission is to torture, not to get facts. Further, the entire three branches of the US government know these things. Yes, your congressmen know this stuff, or could if they cared. Yes, your neighbors, associates and family could know this stuff, too.

So you try to tell them. It won’t matter much if your approach is cool and rational, or prophetic and forceful, or purely artistic. If they are closed, they are closed. The vast majority are closed, because being open means letting go of their comforts, it means having to think about the moral demands upon them if they accept the facts.

Perhaps you know the US government is currently your greatest threat, and is the greatest threat to all the world right now. There is nothing noble about stomping everyone in sight to demand they conform to whatever whims cross the minds of rulers, vested or hidden. It’s a terrible knowledge, and you feel powerless. You know the entire system is fixed, and good people will never be allowed to take any official government office, except a few token statesmen everyone ignores. Even those who know are being constantly targeted for manipulation by people telling half-truths. Many who appear to be “equal time” are simply the other face of the same Beast.

But if you shut up, you are no better than the rest of them.

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