GW Theory and Racism

I avoid TV and I hate movies. But sometimes there is something actually worth watching. I highly recommend to you The Global Warming Swindles. It’s just over an hour long, so you’ll need to budget the time for it. I found it quite worthwhile.

It works out like this: At its very core, the Global Warming religion is utterly racist, determined to prevent places like Africa from developing their own resources. It was never good science, and is now simply blatant lies. What most greenies may not realize is this guarantees developed nations can come in and suck up those resources while the natives continue to suffer and die at early ages.

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One Response to GW Theory and Racism

  1. greg says:

    Good find Ed.. I passed it along via email to a lot of on the fence folks.

    But as you are well aware, the masses have been convinced otherwise, and to change their minds will be difficult at the least.


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