Half-Right: “Don’t Fight the New World Order”

Interesting video attracting some attention.

The name attached to the face is Ziggy Eichhorst. The preacher suffers from a serious case of Western epistemology. Otherwise, he’s not too far from the mark.

By mixing the spiritual and worldly provisions of the Bible — mixing the two realms — he presents a very confused message. Building on this broken foundation, he reaches false conclusions. He misreads Romans 13, which says on the fallen level, governments are God’s idea, and He controls them. You don’t have to understand it, or like it, just realize it’s true. Not in the sense He promotes their sins; rather, it is He who holds them accountable for their sins, not you and I. So Ziggy is partly right in saying our Lord Jesus does not call us to fight evil on those terms. You can’t beat Satan by armed revolt against the NWO. There’s more evil governments where that came from, and armed conflict is hardly the way to fix it.

Indeed, Ziggy rightly notes if you make plans to resist, you’ll simply paint a target on yourself, and on everyone who joins in your plans. It really is a doctrine of the Devil to teach popular Patriot Resistance theology, that somehow God needs us and our guns.

But the rest is pretty messed up. Reading John’s Revelation literally is heresy. I’ve written plenty about that elsewhere. Romans 13 bluntly points out there are two realms, so you would have to be blind or intellectually dishonest to believe it states some sort of “Christian Law” we must submit slavishly to whatever any human government wishes to do. Please note a few verses later Paul says if you walk in the love of Christ, God considers your duty to such government fulfilled, regardless whether that government agrees. Obviously, when your spiritual convictions demand something such governments don’t like, it’s their problem.

Instead, we are to embrace the other-worldly mind which says, “If obeying the Lord gets me killed, so much the better. I can’t wait to go home and see Him face to face!” So while it’s worldly wisdom not to provoke the NWO, sooner or later you can’t help doing just that. It’s rough on organizations, but not too challenging for someone who has already nailed their lives to the Cross.

Bro. Ziggy, you have the right idea, but you need a better education.

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