All Wars Are Fake

First, let’s explain a term which is used, abused, and over-used. My definition of “Illuminati” is not necessarily the only correct one, but I want to limit the scope for the sake of discussion. For the most part, this term is synonymous with TPTB (The Powers That Be). However, it carries a more specific set of baggage: Multi-generational geniuses who maintain a rather clannish identity, carefully keeping to a rather flexible agenda with the aim of taking control of all humanity. Currently I identify the term with a group of bankers, industrialists, academics and whatever other positions of authority which allow them to mostly stay below the radar. They may or may not use the term themselves, but it’s a handy word for something which really does exist, however incomplete or imprecise our knowledge of them.

Now, the Illuminati run things. Simply having control is not the entire game. We note the control is not as full as they like, nor is it over all the earth’s population. Getting there, but not quite yet. At some point they will decide they have reached some threshold of control and make some truly radical changes, which are only hinted at for now. They aren’t machines nor supermen, and things are frankly at risk of coming part all the time, more so as they close in on their goal.

We get hints and insights now and then, but people tend to miss them because the Illuminati do a great job of hiding their fingerprints, as it were, making everything they do look like something else is going on. Right now, there is not a single genuine war on this planet. That is, all current warfare is the direct result of Illuminati creating a false conflict. Piracy off the Horn of Africa? The real cause is other nations dumping industrial toxic waste in the coastal waters, and denying it. It’s not nations per se, but corporations doing the dumping. Sure, the so-called pirates often grab the wrong target, and some of them actually are pirates, but the vast majority of this activity is folks getting fed up with rich nations dumping in their front yard, destroying their livelihood by poisoning the sea life. I can’t blame them, but because there is no such thing as a free press, since all mainstream news agencies are owned by the Illuminati, you’ll never get a sympathetic portrayal of their complaints.

And if you don’t understand how the US warfare in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, and the secret warfare in almost every country you may hear is having some turbulence, then you really are a good servant of the Illuminati. Meanwhile, let’s review one of the better articles offered by that crazy professor, Henry Makow from last fall:

As President Obama ponders whether to send more troops to Afghanistan, there is mounting evidence the Taliban is supported by the CIA. If correct, the Afghan war is a charade with a hidden agenda….

On Oct 29, 2009, Hillary Clinton infuriated Pakistani officials by saying she found it “hard to believe” the ISI didn’t know where Al Qaeda leaders were hiding. Her role is to maintain the fiction that Al Qaeda and the Taliban are not CIA creations.

Just the day before, (Oct. 18) four American citizens were caught photographing sensitive buildings in Islamabad. All four were dressed in traditional Afghan outfits and were found to be in possession of illegal weapons and explosives.

Their vehicles contained 2 M-16A1 rifles, 2 handguns and 2 hand-grenades. The police held the American citizens in custody for an hour before the Interior Ministry interfered and had them released without charge even as preliminary investigation was being carried out….

Related to that is a more recent one, which points out if the Illuminati weren’t financing both sides of every war, all of them would stop:

The role of America’s Illuminati political “leadership” is to shepherd these funds through Congress (i.e. the credit card terminal.) Last week, Hillary Clinton sounded critical of Pakistan but she was actually campaigning for $7.5 billion in “economic” aid and $3 billion in military assistance for Pakistan. She said the money is needed for more “government services.”…

The Taliban is financed, trained and run by Pakistan’s Interservices Intelligence Agency. The ISI is a branch of the CIA, which is run by the Illuminati bankers… In October 2006, NATO clearly identified the Taliban as an ISI operation…

So let’s keep this straight. The US is fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan while using the Taliban as an excuse to fund Pakistan who is maintaining the Taliban. Oh dear. And from Pakistan’s viewpoint, the Taliban is the reason they are getting all this money.

Meanwhile Pakistan is a nuclear power. But it is not our enemy. Iran is our enemy. By some logic, Pakistan can have nuclear weapons but its neighbor Iran cannot.

Yeah. That makes so much sense. All wars are fake, and have been for at least the past two centuries. When you study the historical details, and dig up references not always included in mainstream history teaching, you begin to wonder if The Matrix is not a reflection of your current reality.

Update: Kurt Nimmo adds a little clarity to the discussion on our impending warfare in Iran. Iran’s innocence of nuclear ambitions is no defense before the court of Illuminati agenda. Thus, you and I must give our bodies, and those of our loved ones, for that agenda.

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