Bad Faith Policing

I find it repugnant to read blogs which merely link to other blogs, never expressing their own thoughts on much of anything. Their posts amounts to, “Yeah, what he said.”

Then again, sometimes you run across something so eloquent, you have to give proper credit. If you don’t chase the link, here is what got my attention:

[I]t is ALWAYS a mistake to speak to the police in America without a lawyer present. Be pleasant and be polite, but do not ever offer information or cooperate in any way, shape or form. They will take even the smallest shred of barely relevant information and use it to spin a fictional narrative; their job is to find a perpetrator and feed him into the machine, not to divine the truth. Unless you wish to become a part of that narrative, you must keep your mouth shut. Furthermore, keep in mind that their assurances to you are worthless; courts have repeatedly confirmed that the police are permitted to lie to witnesses and suspected perpetrators alike.

Now, perhaps I’ve been living in Italy too long, but it seems to me that the man would likely have been better off spending the thirty thousand on MS-13 instead of lawyers and court fees if he wanted to get the charges dropped. These miscarriages of justice are exactly why people have historically turned to godfathers and gangleaders instead of being willing to let the machinery of the system run its course.

Having served in law enforcement, let me repeat this: “They will take even the smallest shred of barely relevant information and use it to spin a fictional narrative; their job is to find a perpetrator and feed him into the machine, not to divine the truth.” Never, never, ever let yourself be fooled by that friendly approach, nor the professional demeanor. It has little to do with the sincerity of the individual policeman, and everything to do with the subconscious absorption of an entire intellectual orientation which goes so far as to even despise the truth of anything. They will actively fight to ignore or hide any information which does not fit into their initial narrative. God only knows what will cause them to side with one or another, but the decision becomes locked in concrete for all eternity. That is, unless they discover something even more diabolical to destroy your life. The likelihood their supervisor will correct this is nil, since the supervisor got their position by making sure to follow this orientation.

The whole system exists to destroy. It’s just a different way of making war, and innocence is no defense. Frankly, I have never met a policeman who revealed any hint of the imaginary noble quest to protect the innocent and ferret out the truth. They might use words to that effect, but just a few questions will make you feel like it’s 1984 (the George Orwell novel). In their minds, truth is whatever they say it is.

Nor can I find fault with Vox’s recommendation you consider investing in alternative means of justice. About the only difference between police and MS-13 is the latter are honest about their crimes, while the former currently holds a somewhat more comprehensive and better means to squeeze you — for your own good, of course. Pervasive criminal organizations, those not actually built by the likes of the CIA, prosper because they do the same job better than official government. That doesn’t make them right, just or good, but simply less harmful.

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