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Monthly Archives: September 2010
The Simple Life
You have one earthly purpose: To peel away the obscuring lies of this world so people can see God’s glory. Chasing all the dreams of mankind, your nation or some worthy cause, or simply your own prosperity and comfort is … Continue reading
Not Your Business
Unless you directly gather and use food and supplies for living, you’ll probably work at something which indirectly provides them by way of income. There is nothing sinful about receiving money for things people want you to do, or by … Continue reading
Posted in religion, social sciences
Tagged culture, economics, government
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More Disciplined Body
There is a place for strong women in church management. In the Garden, Eve sinned by listening to the wrong voice. But the New Testament says she was deceived, lacking the particular spiritual discernment for things fundamental to human existence. … Continue reading
Posted in religion, social sciences
Tagged culture, government, law
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Disciplined Body
The church in Jerusalem lived under an rule of discipline and order most of us would hardly recognize. This was not an organization; it was a family. It was probably quite raucous at times, and voting would be extremely rare. … Continue reading
Spreading It Around
One of the most disturbing elements in modern evangelical church life is making evangelism so very hard. By leaving people without the understanding, which says the greatest blessing in this world is leaving it, they end up clinging too much … Continue reading
Persimmons and Pears
This year my family has been studying wild foods here in Central Oklahoma. We started off the season this summer with blackberries and sand plums, both native to our area. I got four gallons of berries and one of plums. … Continue reading
Modest Presentation
What does holiness look like? Let us think for a moment what would be noteworthy differences in the first century world where the New Testament was born. Within Judea itself, it would be quite subtle, a difference only locals would … Continue reading
Lynx Web Browser on Win7 (Updated)
This post is a couple years old still getting lots of hits. I now recommend you move the installation within your own Documents folder and work from there. You’ll have to change the paths below to match that, but you’ll … Continue reading
A Community Life – ANE Model
Introduction First Century churches were in essence spiritual Hebrew households. It was not exactly a carbon copy of the nomadic roots, yet incorporating many of the features to reflect the essence of the thing. It is hardly necessary to prove … Continue reading
A Virtual Community of Faith
Nobody is more anxious to avoid creating yet-one-more church denomination than me. The last thing I want is a personal empire, a little kingdom over which to reign. With all my ranting about how wrong it is to do things … Continue reading