Operation Payback Is about Morals

You can read the manifesto of Operation Payback. Don’t pretend you can’t understand, or that the tiny handful of incidents they cite are insufficient justification. They are examples of a massive and unacceptable trend altogether consistent with the current global trend of all things toward tyranny and oppression.

I cannot find a single example of any government anywhere struggling to increase liberty, and only a tiny minority of corporations (or any other business) trying to make the world a better place. Plenty claim they are, but it doesn’t take much to prove they are lying. However, Operation Payback is carefully targeted to the worst of the worst in the particular issue of denying access even while they tyrannize the entire marketplace, robbing their own slaves client artists. Forced monopoly is a sin, whether it be a labor union, a church, a government service, or a corporation.

Nor is it a sin to cheer on the likes of Anonymous, the name the activists give their group. I’ve already said when something is digitized, you cannot pretend to control access to it, whether it be your personal information or an expensive performance piece. The choice to participate in piracy and reprisals is merely a matter of calling, strategy and tactics. The foundation of modern copyright laws, practices and policies regarding digital materials is Satanic, and I won’t debate that. I’ll be glad to explain it, and have offered plenty of that in previous posts. Attacking electronically the Internet portals of evil is not a sin.

I won’t participate, either. It’s not my calling. Explaining how it serves the Kingdom is my calling. For far too long the forces of oppression, serving Satan, have tried to monopolize the discussions of morals and theology. It matters not whether they do so from the capitalist or communist foundations; they are all wrong. Control of things God contrary to Gods Laws is oppressive by definition, and I have no trouble explaining how most of what we take for granted today as “law” is not just by His standards. Yes, that puts me on the ground of saying there has to be a standard which is not objective. No one should be surprised by that; God has never pretended to be objective. Any pretense of objectivity is a slap at God. I’m quite certain there are flaws in my understanding, but I will boldly proclaim my morality is higher than others, more consistent with God’s revelation.

You would get the same message from any prophet in Scripture. The one thing to which they can point is the record of revelation, and the mandate they have from God. People outside the argument may not be able to tell which prophet is telling the truth when two disagreed, but that’s the problem with pretending to be objective — it’s not possible, and is wrong from the start. These are my convictions; I have no choice but to follow them. And if I’m wrong, you can be sure God will judge me in His own way, but were I not already certain of His approval, I’d avoid the whole topic. A few years ago I would have been on the opposite side of this, so come back in a few more years if you find my chatter entertaining.

In the meantime, today I declare Operation Payback is at least reaching for the justice of God as revealed in Scripture. They are by far closer to that justice than those they attack, so far as I can discern. God bless Anonymous.


Note: I realize the Internet is mostly the property of governments and corporations, most of which openly support the targets of Anonymous. So it is with roads and buildings and all sorts of other things controlled by governments and corporations. Yes, I realize this could easily result in governments and corporations working to block such efforts and control the Internet more tightly. Chances are the technology will not support most of those efforts, because even the owners tend to be ignorant of how it all works. Regardless of the area of human knowledge, the very best will refuse to be bound by oppression, and won’t work for the government nor corporations. But in the end, this could be the cause of the destruction the Internet as we know it. Such is life. I don’t pretend the Internet is the whole of my life, simply the facility I use to present my message.

Paul traveled the Roman Roads, used Roman law and Roman currency to present a gospel message Rome hated. Eventually Rome fell, and the gospel did not. (The gospel was perverted by many, but that’s another story.) You can pretend Rome’s hostility to the gospel had no connection to her fall, but God’s Word indicated a hostility to Rome, and promised her demise in real time and in eternal terms of the spirit behind what Rome was. God is not bound by our silly rules of logic, so crushing Rome by any means is attributable to His divine hand, since He controls everything in existence at His whim. The issue here is not the Internet but those who depend on it, who use it for evil means. Their own weapon is turned against them, and thus shall it be generation upon generation, until That Day when Christ returns.

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