Making the Prison Tolerable

Yesterday I wrote you cannot package salvation. That’s not to say there is no useful guide to action in helping people get a hint of sanity. There most certainly is a defined course of action on this plane of existence which adequately demonstrates what sanity looks like. It’s called the Laws of God. The problem is, you have to understand them in their own mystical context, or you’ll end up using Laws to attack sanity, as happened with Jesus. His national government had completely lost all contact with their own mystical intellectual culture, and were utterly clueless about the Law of Moses.

We have no standing to enforce anything. This is not about activism to demand worldly governments follow the Covenant of Noah or Moses. It would sure make the world a better place if we could, but that’s been tried and failed repeatedly. Without that strong mystical route to understanding Law Covenants, enforcement becomes just another excuse for injustice. It’s impossible to legislate mysticism as a condition for holding office. It’s not impossible to teach it, nor impossible to make it the common approach across an entire national culture, but impossible in the sense no human gets to choose a mystical birth of the spirit. Only God can do that.

From where we stand now, the very first step is shredding Western Civilization completely. That’s a pretty tall order, and not something which any person or group can plan, much less execute. So far as we can know now, it’s not in the cards; God seems to have other plans. Our part in this is not to question the executive decisions, but to implement them. If we are going to make any headway at all, it requires a number of us simply living our own lives under God’s definition of justice.

God says sanity is justice. Exhibiting justice is exhibiting sanity. People will sense your sanity by your justice as defined by God’s Laws. Not in the letter of the Laws, because that’s just an example of justice. It’s in the justice which arises from a mystical approach to everything we do. You abstract the Laws as best you know and apply them in your personal context. It becomes the default of operations. At the same time, you remain open to some command coming down the pipe from your spirit which could countermand your current best understanding. That’s in part because you understand the definition of justice includes mercy. You willingly forgo enforcement of strict justice in the intellectual sense when mercy is a better expression of eternal justice in the mystical sense. You do the sane thing because justice makes no sense otherwise.

You don’t think in terms of rights, which is not a biblical concept, but in terms of opportunity.

At this point, we have placed ourselves so very far outside the mainstream, we would be labeled “freaks.” Once folks notice our unusual approach, we are in a good position to talk about it. That is, insofar as we can talk about it at all, since mystical truth defies words. We have to address it in parabolic terms. Sure, we can explain how what we do is our best understanding of God’s Laws, and even discuss those Laws. But the ultimate motivation is not in the Laws themselves, but in the other-worldly pull on us. Indeed, living justly is itself a parable of truth. You’ll have to work out your own approach, because it’s more an art form than a skill. It has to arise from your own character.

Perhaps at this point you are reminded we don’t sell mysticism. We want them to have it, but we can’t possibly deliver it to them. We can provoke it if they have a spiritual awareness, but you can’t poke what isn’t there. So if we say something incomprehensible to them, at least the obvious lesson of conduct is not lost. Frankly, our whole game plan, as it were, is packaging Laws as the symbol of sanity.

We can’t get people out of prison; it’s above our calling, above our pay grade. We can surely make prison saner, more tolerable and just. Even if we bumble and stumble, folks will know it didn’t come from the system which runs the prison. But then again, they may not understand they are in a prison. What they will understand is justice, if they understand anything at all. Not much we can do about their understanding. Even with an authoritative position over them, such as being their parent, for example, we cannot do more than shape the process of interaction from our end. There is a certain amount of the process forever beyond our reach, even on this plane of existence. By the same token, nothing any evil man can do will create a permanent disability against sanity, though it does raise barriers. The same power to get us free can touch anyone, but will not touch everyone, and disabilities arising from evil conditioning is not a deciding factor.

Thus, we learn to accept: Not only do we not have any way of getting folks to notice the higher plane of existence if it’s not already in them, we can’t even get them to accept the notion of justice on this plane of existence. All we can do is offer what’s in our hands, and that’s our own broken justice.

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