I want you to be free.
There probably isn’t much I can do for you, simply because freedom cannot be a matter of me doing for you. Freedom is you taking hold of the choices we deny ourselves. Most of the time, we don’t realize they are ours to make, or that they are within our reach.
All good theory, but the best way to explain it is to demonstrate it.
My recent two week exploration of RHEL 6 was a demonstration. It’s one of the few things in this world I understand well enough to write at length. I wanted people to realize it was there, and how accessible it could be. I didn’t call it “for the clueless” just to amuse myself and insult others. If you take yourself too seriously, there is nothing I can do to help you. But if you know you don’t have a clue and want one, there it is.
By no means can I transmit 12 years of Linux experience in just a few short lessons. What I can do is ask you to take a closer look at it and maybe think it’s worth a shot, so you can learn your own set of experiences. Don’t think I didn’t learn plenty while doing the research for the series. I’m still working on my own knowledge.
Right now, this blog is running between 50-100+ hits per day. That’s not why I set out to write the series. Most of those readers are nothing at all like me, aside from an interest in the topic of discussion. I’ll bet precious few stay around to get to know as much of me as can be known from a blog. The hit count should begin tapering off quickly. Who knows? Maybe I drove off my few regulars for awhile.
Doesn’t matter. People can only do what moves them. I did it because it moved me, as an expression of my choice to be free. I wrote it because it was my imperative. Freedom is accepting your own imperatives. Whatever results feed back into my consciousness are consequences, not objectives. All I really want to know is if some folks used it to chase their own brand of freedom. It doesn’t even have to be about computers; just some little thing I wrote which made the light come on inside your head, and you found one more hindrance fall away.
Be free.