Job Hunting: Relief Work

I’ve been wishing over the past few years I could find some job meaningful to me. Sure, I have this computer ministry going, but it’s just something to keep me busy for awhile. Much as I like computers and helping people with them, it is hardly fulfilling work.

What I’d really like to do is work in humanitarian or disaster relief. I don’t mind if it’s secular, but I’d rather it be with a religious organization. I really don’t care where it takes me in the world. Nor am I all that interested in making a big paycheck, or working in comfortable conditions. I admit I’d probably need access to some basic medical care, but otherwise I’m quite comfortable in austere conditions. The military taught me a lot about that. On the other hand, I would absolutely refuse to do any fund-raising. If an organization can’t pay my way, they don’t need me.

I’m really interested in organizing and leading such work, and I enjoy having lots of challenges. I’m not easily frustrated. I like to organize on the fly, and I don’t balk at adapting to sudden or frequent changes. The one thing I hate is doing some crazy project which no one really wants or needs, but is the brainchild of someone who has no clue about the place and people they pretend to serve. It’s one thing to help people change really bad cultural habits, but it’s another to act like they have no clue. I don’t believe in forcing people to accept help they don’t need, but I’m willing to try to convince them of something I can believe in myself.

With all the junk websites on the Net claiming to hook you up with such work, then offering nothing really useful, I am pretty cagey about using a search engine for this. Most of the mainstream organizations (I’m glaring at you, Red Cross) have already proven to me they are fake, just a way to play on human emotions and collect tons of money for internal consumption on fat salaries, big pronouncements and nothing to show for it. Nor would I tolerate some government funded boondoggle designed to fatten some contributor’s bank accounts using imaginary crises with even more fanciful solutions. I’m tired of such games.

I’ve done work in primitive civil engineering for things like sanitation and flood control. I can teach anything I know; I really do like people, especially children, and am not annoyed by things foreign to me. I’ve had a great deal of experience building teamwork and reducing conflict. I’m not much good at theoretical scientific research, but I’m pretty good at implementing things designed by others, particularly using whatever is at hand. I’ve used a wide range of tools for building and repairing facilities and equipment, though I’m not a master of any construction trades. I suppose my archive of computer articles indicates I have some skill with IT, but I’ve also done lots of fine arts work — music, drama, drawing and painting, sculpture. Obviously I write English well when needed, but I’ve done course work in German, Dutch and Spanish, used them some in the real world. I can learn other languages, of course.

If you know of something worth pouring my heart into it, I’d like to know.

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