The Limits of Conspiracy and Oppression

The basic theory of conspiracy is the most accurate view of history, but we need to realize conspiracies do have limits.

Every government is a conspiracy, unless it arises organically from the extended family setting. Good moral people do not want to govern, but good tribal elders will face the responsibility of caring for their families. Every other form of government has always been the result of a conspiracy to rule. Our current government is a conspiracy to keep the system in place, when any honest examination shows it is absolutely contrary to our real interests. Telling us honestly what is going on and why certain decisions are made would be the last thing we should expect from government, because if we knew, as one of them admitted not so long ago, we would be stringing them up from the nearest lampposts all over Washington DC.

Most conspiracy theories have an element of truth. However, the hucksters who deal in them and try to make their living discussing them are seldom going to offer an honest appraisal. There’s no money in that. They’ll hype it to the max, adding extraneous features and a depth of evil intent which is frankly not there in most cases.

For example, we now know the folks panicking about the dire possibilities regarding the nuclear generators in Fukushima were quite accurate. The Powers That Be (TPTB) have recently admitted this is a level 7 nuclear disaster, and we will all share here in the Northern Hemisphere a significant increase in exposure to radioactive particles. What they won’t admit openly is there is no safe level of exposure — that’s a fact. Any at all is destructive, regardless whether you detect any symptoms. Atomic particles and gamma rays do kill cells and cause mutations. No debate. What we can’t know is just how bad it will be at various dosage levels for each individual, and what future maladies can be traced to this mess.

Meanwhile, the greedy conspirators who contracted for the construction of these reactors most certainly did cut corners to keep profits high as possible. They always go with the lowest bidder, not the bidder with the best record of doing it right. Well the good folks at TEPCO who own those reactors have decided they are not going to entomb in concrete those hopeless reactors until they can salvage at least some of that expensive fuel. They aren’t in a hurry to do the right thing and stop this massive spew of radioactive particles, and are lying about why. And our own government is supporting their false story. It’s a conspiracy, not because there is some alleged Illuminati planning to decimate the human population of the earth, at least not in this fashion. This nasty stuff is falling on their houses, too. It’s a conspiracy of greed, because they honestly believe it’s not all that harmful.

It’s the same conspiracy of greed which allows BP to go back and try again in that same area of the Gulf of Mexico. It will be the same conspiracy which will see them cutting corners again and again. They’ll push through their next project with the same profligate lying and bribery to the regulators, bluntly refusing to do what’s right, because their’s more profit in doing it wrong. They had a major disaster, made a huge mess, and it would appear the mess has not yet been actually stopped. The holes they made seem to be still leaking right now. But they’ll throw in the same worn out equipment without proper overhaul and maintenance, refuse to take the orthodox safety procedures, which are already too lax, and simply fill yet more of the oceans with raw petroleum. It’s not enough the fisheries are all gone, and the very real climate change from the disturbance in the Gulf Stream, because they got away with it. No, they aren’t actively trying to kill us all off and poison everyone on the Gulf Coast, they just don’t care. It doesn’t hurt them, so why should they worry?

The wealthy elite of the world are unaccountable, but only a very tiny minority of them are actually interested in cutting back the world’s population by some 90%. They don’t care how it happens, but they don’t want to have an ecological disaster on their hands, either. They might be willing in some way to throw some of these lower ranking greedy folks under the bus to teach the rest a lesson, but the truly evil conspirators don’t currently steer such things so closely. While they do keep a tight rein on some things, I don’t think TEPCO and BP planned these disasters at the behest of their overlords. They just don’t care, so sloppy results are simply the risk of daring great profits.

No, the Illuminati are more directly interested in things like small arms control, Agenda 21, Codex Alimentarius, global central banking, international trade treaties, etc. They do sponsor the CIA’s fostering of the fake Arab uprisings going on right now, but aren’t directly involved too much because the CIA has always served them well. Yes, all of those conspiracies are true, but let’s understand there are some limits to just how much the Illuminati can do at one time. Their plans have been published if you are really interested, and nuclear disasters or vast oil spills aren’t on the agenda. Such things are just the messy results they expect from their lackeys.

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One Response to The Limits of Conspiracy and Oppression

  1. honest liar says:

    Refreshingly balanced view on the conspiracy theories. Independent thinkers like the author are more of a threat to the PTB than the rabid conspiracy theorists who bark at their own shadows. Well done!

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