Revolting Feminists

You may have heard about the Slutwalk brouhaha, which started in Canada. As I understand it, the promoters were reacting to an offhand comment from a police officer, to the effect the rape problem is not helped by women dressing like cheap hookers. The standard response by the organizers asserts women should be free to dress, or not dress, as they please, and such comments do not help the bigger problem.

This is a case of two sides talking past each other, and both are wrong.

The cop was wrong. The underlying question has nothing to do with whether enticing apparel on women is an invitation to rape. From what I can discern, not only was his comment taken out of context, but his context was not very thoughtful. There is a connection between them, but he attempted to make a direct connection and ignore the several layers of troubling reality between the two. He was wrong because his comment was shallow and pointless.

The organizers are wrong. They are responding to the cop’s words taken out of context, and everyone knows they were just waiting for such an opportunity to promote their evil agenda. Their whole mission in life is finding or creating a pretext to promote their fantasies, to force them through social and legal pressures upon the rest of the world.

Let’s unravel this. I’ll make the unspoken point for the feminists here: They want the legal protections which permit them to retroactively withdraw consent for sex. They have so abused, perverted and twisted the meaning of “rape,” it now means any sexual contact they decide they don’t like, whenever it is they decide it. Having done such a good job of slanting the entire legal system in their favor, they aren’t done yet. All this other stuff is merely symbolism at best, and is more likely intellectual dishonesty. They seek to create an atmosphere which grants them an even greater advantage than they already have, by asserting the underlying thesis all men are rapists by virtue of being male.

They deny there is a sexual factor in rape, by asserting it is wholly a matter of violence. Throughout human history, getting his rocks off, whether forcefully or otherwise, has been a chief instinct of men arising from the mere existence of testosterone in the blood stream. Nobody is arguing about that. The difficulty is in the degree of force, the types of force, and all the noise is not about moving the line this way or that, but granting each and every woman total control over that line, to include retroactive redefinition. It changes regret to rape; sex becomes a weapon. Here’s the reality: They want the ultimate free privilege of taking a ride on the Alpha Male carousel whenever they please, but every other man in the world had better act like a metro-sexual at their command. When they deign to get married to their chosen metro-sexual, he has no say nor interest in her vagina, beyond what she grants on the whims of the moment.

I could go on at length, but none of this is possible were it not for the utterly false cultural substrate on which it all stands: Victorian culture, which itself piggybacks on what is essentially Teutonic culture filtered through the late Roman culture. Teuto-Roman culture is what we call Western Civilization. In other words, feminism as we see it today is a thrice removed social neurosis. A neurosis is a maladaptive behavior pattern which seeks to stave off a natural consequence of human existence. Most of the obvious neuroses we see in people are simply the last layer of avoidance placed on top of the previous failed layers, each an attempt to deny reality and real consequences. It’s seeking a fantasy. Feminism is trying to construct a fantasy on top of two previous layers of fantasy. You can’t fix it until you peel it all the way back down to the natural starting point.

Showing too much flesh is a sin; so says God Himself. Not because the human form is sinful in itself, but because we are fallen, and our fallen natures can’t properly handle that much honesty. Our essential evil nature does not allow us to ignore what our eyes see, and we are literally damned if we do, and damned if we don’t, because we are all damned by default regardless. It is not possible to transcend that problem so long as we wear fallen flesh. The only antidote is death. God revealed His prescription through the Ancient Near Eastern culture, which requires women to cover up most of their flesh, and men do the same. If you really wanted to find out, there is sufficient record to indicate how much is “too much” for public life. Nor does it help if you cite anecdotal evidence of how this or that fellow isn’t really turned on by this or that exposed body part. The human race is shot through with all sorts of perverted desires and tastes. You can bash your senses and your conscience until you eventually get an abnormal answer, but it won’t change God’s revelation.

It’s also a sin to relegate social enforcement to the civil government, and our modern version of professional police forces is inherently a violation of God’s Laws. God asserts a separation between social and civil law, and the former is an obligation laid upon the community to handle. Rape is not a civil matter, but a social issue. When social structures work properly, there is less rape simply because it’s not possible. However, rape is merely a single point of failure, and should not be used as a fulcrum for leveraging the destruction of civilization. The Slutwalks are not the problem, but a symptom of major problems going far, far deeper.

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