Being Held for Ransom Never Worries the Poor Man

The plundering is not done by half.

The most important thing I can do is help another person get past some barrier, or to be forewarned of a coming threat. For some years I’ve followed the alternative news sources because they generally have a better record than the MSM. Their pursuit of spiked stories often made the difference in how I perceived things. But sometimes you don’t need news stories to know something about the bad stuff coming. And when someone highlights a half truth or the wrong story, it’s worse than saying nothing.

In the US, our future has been plundered in the form of debt obligations. First it was the massive consumer spending come-on, and the building of insatiable consumption habits. Then the jobs were sent away, with bogus promises of the information economy. It never happened. Second, the houses people bought along with all the other stuff became impossible to keep. So there was massive foreclosure actions, but that’s been halted in some places, and that party is about over. And for the coming wave of consumer credit defaults, there really isn’t that much to take.

While we already know the various police agencies have been seizing anything beyond mere pocket change under forfeiture laws, people have figured out how to dodge most of that. So while we can expect this to morph into more different kinds of things being “forfeited” to policemen, that is now clearly on the decline as a source. At the same time, the prisons are overcrowded with petty drug offenders, and lots of normal human behavior is now criminal.

The flooding of the Missouri and Mississippi Valleys has resulted in a bold land grab of submerged farmland. That’s because the Big Agriculture industry is determined to gain full control over food production in the US. FDA enforcement actions are increasingly reducing the choices we are permitted to make in what we grow and buy, and yet giving full open highways for Big Ag. Look for an increasing consolidation of food production. It won’t be so absolute as to block every little backyard garden patch, at least not yet. But the bulk of what you will find available will have come from one of several oligopoly cartel members. Oh, they’ll provide, but it will be what they want you to have, what makes them the most profit, not what you wish.

I keep getting a vision of private gold confiscation. I have no idea how they’ll pull that off, only the certainty they’ll try. If you’ve posted online anywhere about buying and selling gold, they’ll come after you. All private pensions will be rolled over into government programs. All private retirements will become wards of the state, as it were. I expect to see savings plundered in some way or another.

The business over the borrowing limit debate in Congress is a Catch-22. If the Republicans roll over, Congress becomes more of a rubber stamp. If they fight too long, I fully expect the President to declare unilateral authority to raise it himself. I think we’ll all be stunned at how far they can push it, how astronomical the figures can be. If the ratings institutions get too noisy, something will happen to them.

Somewhere down the road, most of us will be slaves of the government. Prisoners are already performing slave labor, particularly in private prisons, but something short of a criminal conviction will be created, rather like the old vagrancy laws. Anyone not gainfully employed in one of the officially approved Big Corporation operations will be forced to work for this or that government program, and some will be rented out on contract. Whether this involves FEMA camps is really not important. Keep your eye on plans for big stuff which is labor-intensive, and where they’ll need the bodies. Look for people to be pushed out of places where bodies aren’t needed for these plans.

As always, I can’t pretend to know how or when on this stuff. This is nothing more than my speculation based on what I can see. Watch the bigger trends; don’t get too wrapped up in individual crises which come and go. I get weary with all the frantic articles about this or that scary thing.

Fukushima will destroy a big chunk of the Japanese population, but here it will mean simply a rising background in sickness and early mortality. I believe the Gulf Oil Disaster is being dealt with, and it won’t be quite the environmental disaster we are expecting. It will be another kind of disaster arising from how they deal with it, using GMO oil-eating bacteria. The only remaining problem is not that there will be more such oil releases, but that there remains too many people on the Gulf Coast to fuss about it. They’ll move or the Corexit and bacteria will kill them. The government doesn’t want people on the Gulf Coast, especially independent folks who aren’t wealthy or petroleum workers.

Those who have will get more, and those who don’t will get even less. The economic middle will nearly disappear, and the gap will be huge between the haves and have-nots. This is not news, but it’s the obvious plan. If you have nothing they want, they’ll leave you alone. If you believe they are herding you in one direction, be prepared to go another and leave before they can cut you off. Train yourself to live as independently as possible.

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2 Responses to Being Held for Ransom Never Worries the Poor Man

  1. Chase says:

    The Gold Confiscation of 1933 is the single most draconian economic act in the history of the United States!

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