Mainstream Fantasies

There is a fairly rational accounting for the rabid behavior of Israel in regards to such as the Gaza Flotilla, but it’s not because Israel has good reason.

The most effective propaganda always includes at least a slice of truth. This serves to bury the truth under manure.

It’s hard to imagine someone who isn’t familiar with the modern KKK and Neo-Nazi movements. They are paraded regularly. While there is a fair portion of true believers, most of it PsyOps. Various government agencies are paying people to run these organizations, such that we can say with some certainty there is no real Neo-Nazi or KKK as portrayed. The intent is to cover up the truth, to provide an evil hook on which to hang those who dare to speak the truth.

A wide range of such truth-speakers are tarred with the Neo-Nazi brush. If you do the research and uncover the unpopular facts of the Civil War, for example, you’ll be called at the very minimum a Revisionist Neo-Confederate. If you dare to produce statistics which point out the obvious failures of the Salad Bowl Theory of integration, you are officially a racist. If you dare to ask questions regarding the official Holocaust Narrative, you are a Nazi straight out, and certainly an Anti-Semite.

It won’t matter what facts you present; the sacred civil orthodoxy has closed the door on certain issues. I will be labeled among them simply for writing this much.

Part of the wild caricature of the Neo-Nazi is a recurring them that Jews want to take over the world. Everything is blamed on the Jews. Sometimes you’ll get some careful analysis, or a more precise targeting of some portion of Jews, and maybe even a careful blame strictly on the Zionists. But the underlying theme is to paint the entire discussion with broad satire, to paste on vast layers of overkill to make sure no one dares pay any attention to the question itself. Once this caricature is established in the public mind, you can’t say a word without being pulled into that image.

So sue me — I’m going to talk about it.

If you want a second opinion, you might research a fellow named Michael A. Hoffman II. He approaches the question of Judaism still clinging to Aristotle, and I’m not too comfortable with his mercenary demand for money just to quote him, so I won’t even link to his sites. Many of his other writings aren’t that useful, in my opinion, chasing a lot of conspiracy mythology. But he does have a wide array of well researched facts regarding the Talmud which parallel what follows.

I have written before that the modern nation-state of Israel is the single biggest threat to peace and safety in this world. I’ve also noted Judaism today is not at all biblical Old Testament religion. Jesus condemned the Talmud, and it returns the favor. Today the orthodox rabbi hardly even knows the Scripture, but he can quote verbatim vast passages of that other “Torah” we call the Talmud. It’s a half-secret that when modern Orthodox Jews use the term “Torah,” they are referring to Torah SheBeal Peh (spellings vary), which is their term for the Talmud. The Pentateuch in the Bible is called Torah SheBichtav.

According to Jewish fables, the latter was hard to understand, so Moses himself, or his brother Aaron, issued the underlying framework of the former. Thus, the Talmud is an embellished record of oral Law, and the Scripture is the written portion. However, it’s simply too easy to trace back the existing resources and see how the Talmud arose almost entirely from the post-Hellenism exposure. The only reason they claim the written was hard to follow is because they had rejected the underlying intellectual frame of reference. If you take the time to learn enough about that ancient Hebrew mystical approach, the written Torah is pretty straightforward and easy to grasp. Scholars have proven beyond all doubt the Talmud was a Westernized perversion of the older Hebrew mystical approach to the Law of Moses.

Further, the Talmud itself says it takes precedence over even the most obvious Scripture passages. God, having once passed His revelation to the nation of Israel, must now submit all future revelation to a rabbinical committee (that’s almost a direct quote from the Talmud). Anything which contradicts their Talmud is a lie by definition. Indeed, anytime any Gentile dares to use their own Talmud, however accurately, against them, he’s lying simply because he’s a Gentile. Herein is the crux of the issue: The Talmud declares Jews must and will rule the world sooner or later. Not just the world, but reality itself is subject to whatever a proper rabbinical committee says it is.

Granted, this reflects the minority Orthodox Jews, not the Conservative or Reformed branches of Judaism. What most people want to ignore is how the Orthodox influence everyone else, including all the secular Jews. That famous rabbi who said it could not be called “murder” for any Jew to kill any Gentile for any reason was the chief rabbi in Hebron, and for all the complaints against him, the government of Israel could have fired him. His position remains approved by the government. As always, don’t listen to their words; look at their actions. The government secretly approves of his underlying message. We have plenty of quotes from government officials to back it up; Israel judges the world and each other, but no one else in the world can be permitted to judge Israel. The Orthodox position on things flavors the whole national government; the Orthodox rabbis are simply more open and honest about it.

We can find other ways the government of Israel sounds like Orthodox rabbis, such as their willingness to lie to the world and consider it normal. This accounts for the most outrageous statements. But if any tries to correct the story, they are shouted down, as it were. If Israel says it, God Himself lacks the competence to question their assertion.

Again, within the context of the slow drift of New World Order global government planning, that Israel and Orthodox Jews will rule the world is a fantasy. Israelis genuinely believe it, but the global elite permit it as simply a misdirection. What may have begun as the Rothschilds dream of a Talmudic world empire has been eclipsed by a more Satanic and secularist plan. It got as far as forcing a modern Israel down the world’s throat, but Israel is just one party in the global ruling elite. Things are somewhat confused by what appears a sick hatred for Jewish people by the most elite Jewish ruling class, and we have writings from some Illuminati expressing a rabid malice against Jews. This only serves to confirm my doubts about Israel being the key to what we can expect.

Rather, this unspeakable horror emanating from the ancient Bible lands in our modern life is just a distraction, a way of channeling human desire to fulfill the broader plans of world government. Surely America is steered by it. What happens once we clobber all of Israel’s enemies? Will the global elite and their war plans stop? It won’t be a Talmudic or even Kabbalistic world government, but a forcefully secular one. Over the vast history of humanity, there has only been one source for such secularism, and that’s Western Civilization. For this reason, I maintain the current dominant world power is fundamentally Western secularist.

Those who cling to Western Civilization, or Aristotelian epistemology, are willing participants in the great mass of global evil we face right now, whether they know it or not. When you understand that, you are in a better position to decide how you need to act and react to whatever comes in the future. This is our reality.

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