Word of the Lord Against OKC-PD and Municipal Government

Background: Here is a list of articles ranging between fawning police butt-kissers and raging anti-establishment conspiracy nuts —

Crime, Minors Breaking Curfew On Rise In Bricktown
Okla. City Cops Catch Flak for Mistaken Teen Curfew Arrests”
Police State Insanity: Teens Arrested While Waiting for Parents in OKC Curfew Sweep

For the record: I’ve been a cop, a DARE Officer, a parent, and I am now a prophet of Jehovah God Almighty. I mention that last one for two reasons. First, because I want the OKCPD and City to have all the official excuse they need to ignore my comments. I’ll give them enough rope to hang themselves, as it were. Second, it’s the only real reason I have for the comments which follow. This is a warning from God.

You are probably aware of the national attention to a curfew flap. Now, for the real story: Oklahoma City has by far one of the most unaccountable governments in the whole of the USA. Since anyone living can remember, the real government (never mind who holds what position or office) has always been a tiny elite minority of wealthy and powerful psychopaths. If you aren’t one of them, you won’t be permitted to get involved. While not every servant of this elite ghost government is a psychopath, they all know not to bite the hand the feeds them. That includes the municipal judges, since they aren’t even in the running for either appointment or election without first kissing some serious booty. This is the way of things in Oklahoma, folks.

So it should surprise no one that the Police Department have made themselves into an army of foreign occupation. You can surmise a lot about the chief from how his troops act. Chief Bill Citty is the commandant who has never forgotten he rules on behalf of this tiny elite group. That atmosphere filters down through the entire department. Further, they have been careful to pickle all their brains in a “standard of justice” which makes God and all His angels vomit in horror. When Chief Citty allows “mistakes were made,” that’s about as close to accountability as it gets, citizen.

Let’s get one thing clear: Those police officers broke the law. They broke it flagrantly, knowingly, and with an attitude to match. They caused great cost and distress to a large number of innocent teens and parents. I pray God Almighty move the victims to sue hard, fast and continuously, because a fat settlement is as close to justice as they will ever get. I will not attempt to convey the degree of contempt Citty has for innocent people, in part because he apparently doesn’t believe they exist. Everyone is a crook just waiting to be caught, in his book. You’d get more sympathy from the bottom of a water treatment plant.

I know this from personal experience dealing with OKCPD. If you bust your tail to help them solve crime, you’ll be lucky if they remember your name. I’ve done that. If you just once stumble onto a situation where they want to flex their muscles and preen before the next donut assault, you’ll suffer the most incredible indignity you can imagine. These are the kind of folks who made my life miserable as a Desk Officer, because it was tons of paperwork writing them up and taking away their badges. So far as I have encountered, less than 1% qualify to work on my shift. How many ways can you say “insufferable jerk” before you run out words?

So when they come in for some public heat for something so incredibly stupid, you can bet they aren’t getting so much as a slender fraction of what they deserve. Folks, this is just the tip of the iceberg here in OKC.

I want to know one thing, Chief Citty: Who gets the kickback from dragging all those hapless innocent teens down to the private juvenile detention center?

Here’s what God’s justice demands: All those parents and teens get a personal apology from the officers involved. All their direct expenses from this incident should be paid, with a portion of the relief taken from each of the officers involved and their entire chain of command. Then some real reforms will be instituted in which officers will actually obey the law in the process of enforcing it.

I don’t expect that to happen. None of it. The City will make soothing noises and this will continue, and escalate, until there’s a riot like the one in mentioned in yesterday’s post on police misconduct. That’s because no one here really gives a rat’s patootie about real causes and real solutions. Instead, it will be one more excuse to rob from the middle-class and poor and give to the rich. If you think the kids are troublesome, try a little citizen outreach. You’ll find thousands of them imprisoned in your sorry schools most days of the year, and it wouldn’t hurt to divert some of their precious instructional time for a little public relations. Oh yeah, I’ve been a certified teacher, too; I know the score. Stop sending the worst asshats you have down to police the schools. You get an attitude from kids because you started it. And no, not the insulting idiocy used in the past, like the DARE Program, but some real effort to know what makes them tick.

May God have mercy on you all, City of Oklahoma City, because someday it’s going to blow up in your faces, and you will have caused it, and will blame everyone else.

For myself, I’m not even in your jurisdiction, but it’s impossible for me to live without crossing through it. The laws have been carefully written and enforced so one could not pass gas in his own bed without some badge-toting thug having an excuse to haul him into court. I’m expecting the OKCPD to arrest me on trumped up charges before the end of this calendar year because I dared to suggest in this public fashion they weren’t saints of God. But on the outside chance they actually do take some action to change the culture of hatred and thugitude which characterizes the OKCPD, I’ll gladly fall on my face in humble apology and eat my words, right on this same blog.

God is watching us, between you me, Oklahoma City. I fall on my face before Him daily, so don’t waste your breath talking about how I might not be so angelic sweet as some of you. I already know and proclaim to all who will listen I deserve a short miserable life, a lingering painful death, and eternity in Hell. Anything you do to me less than a literal crucifixion is simply what I deserve as a sinner. God in His grace and mercy grants reprieve to those who repent, so when your thugs make their move, I won’t resist at all. I’m a Christian Mystic and pacifist, and I care more about the Other world than this one. I’m content to do His work here until He calls me home or destroys this world. Repent before it’s too late, because this one will be gone all too soon.

Editorial Note: God has always communicated through His prophets chiefly through the use of artistic hyperbole and parabolic language. Get used to it.

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