Norway Terror: Let’s Not Jump to Conclusions or Lies

The single biggest lie was the one first told by the establishment, suggesting the bombing and shooting in Norway was connected to Islamic Jihad terrorism.

Quite the opposite, it seems. If anything, the ultimate source may be pinned on Israel. But let’s examine what we can know so far. For now, a very good write-up is available at the Daily Mail (UK) with lots of good pictures. (Be advised, you’ll also have lots of naughty pictures down the right hand side of that page.) The analysis is lots of fact larded with a bit of anti-Muslim propaganda, which is rather insane, given the alleged perpetrator’s background. His name is Anders Behring Breivik, a native Norwegian.

He is known to be nationalist, anti-immigration, anti-Muslim, a Freemason (note the photo with ceremonial regalia), and a Right-wing Christian Zionist. What part of this justifies any mention of Jihadist terror? But of course, it’s obligatory these days, you know.

The shooting attack on the camp also has lots of background. This island camp, and the meeting, is owned by what amounts to the communist-socialist youth party of Norway, officially the Labor Party. The group is tied to the man whose government office was blown up in Oslo, Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg. There are any number of things the assailant may have found objectionable with these folks.

Timing may be a critical issue, but only if we can find reason to believe the perpetrator was aware of certain events at the camp. Norway recently made lots of noise which alarms Zionists. They have divested from anything supporting Israel. The government has signaled readiness to support Palestine’s bid for claiming statehood in the UN. The youth organization at the camp had already demanded Stoltenberg do so. Israel and her friends have been squawking about such things very loudly for quite some time. On the other hand, it appears Breivik was planning this for quite some time; he bought several tons of fertilizer — the kind suitable for making explosives — some weeks ago.

Cui bono? Having groused for some time on various Internet forums, Breivik was opposed to Muslim immigration. If you really understand the dynamics of human nature and social order, you realize such opposition is probably a good idea. Scripture indicates humans are best living in unmixed communities, though at peace with strangers. All the modern political theories say otherwise, but I don’t think God is impressed. At the same time, if any society chooses to commit suicide by open immigration policies, that’s their business. We should expect people of good conscience will dispute the wisdom of such things, just as we would expect politically correct oppression to minimize dissent. I doubt Breivik and his fellow travelers used the same approach I would, never mind the type of actions taken to make whatever point he wanted to make.

I have no particular beef with Norwegians in general. I’m not impressed with their secularist hedonism, and their moralistic scolding of other nations from their immoral position, but this is what we have come to expect. For the most part, I stand on the sidelines, watching the world destroy itself in one debacle after another, forever refusing to understand reality as God sees it. I’ll comment because His Spirit and justice burns like fire within me, and this is my calling, but God forbids me getting directly involved without a specific personal invitation.

What I do pointedly condemn above all else here is the near certainty this points back to Zionism. We have no evidence Mossad was involved directly. We may never see such evidence, even if Mossad was. They don’t get caught very often. When they do, it serves as the tip of the iceberg, one loaded with rocks so less than 1% shows above the surface of the murky waters of reality. Until we have direct comment from Breivik himself, we won’t know much more than we can guess. Even if he does speak, and it is accurately reported, we still may not know. His actions are hardly of necessity insane, just cruel and hateful. The state of fallen human nature includes a powerful dose of that, meaning we are all at least capable of similar acts. All it takes is an atmosphere which promotes it, makes it an imperative.

If we are going to speculate, let’s at least base it in the facts. Given the way Zionism works, it is not unfair to connect it to things like this. Look into the suppressed history of Zionism and you’ll note, for example, Samuel Untermeyer’s careful financial sponsorship of C.I. Scofield’s Dispensationalist Bible margin notes was aimed at creating a strong Zionist camp in US Protestant churches. Prior to Scofield, almost no churches and theology schools taught such this heresy. His Bible was a resounding success. So much so the publisher has since added a very large amount of additional notes to Scofield’s work. The Scofield Bible and its popularity among evangelical churches is the single greatest factor in creating the vast Dispensationalist theology we see in the West today. From what I’ve seen so far, it was this theology which helped form the character of Breivik. Such theology certainly correlates tightly with the pro-war, pro-torture, blank-check-for-Israel and mindless hatred against Islam in the America today. Within a single generation American evangelical churches went from near-pacifist anti-government otherworldliness to materialistic Right-wing war-monger, and today they simply assume it’s always been the dominant theology. To suggest this is not a major element in what keeps us involved in illegitimate wars, and keeps us heedlessly blowing through trillions of borrowed dollars is sheer intellectual dishonesty.

All the way back at least as far as the Roman Empire, we have written records of men who understood how to sway whole societies into a maniacal zeal for all sorts of causes. Can you think of any more recent examples, where some nation was taken over slowly and craftily by such destructive zeal for some obscene cause? I’ll bet you can. To deny such an atmosphere does not also contribute to criminal acts which serve to benefit Zionism is simply dishonest. We don’t have all the facts, so we don’t know yet; that’s true. I assert it is a reasonable connection. I’m willing to bet it turns out to be the case this time, provided we can get an honest report of what Breivik says is behind his actions.

Prophetic Message: Let Israel stand or fall on her own. Neither support nor directly oppose, except the actions of Mossad as inherently illegitimate. This goes for all spying agencies of every nation when their duties involve anything beyond mere observation and passive data collection. Spying in itself is not a sin; getting involved in any other nation’s politics is always a sin. On the other hand, failure to condemn any nation’s politics from a biblical perspective is also a sin. Such condemnation must always come from independent prophetic ministries.

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One Response to Norway Terror: Let’s Not Jump to Conclusions or Lies

  1. Way to read between the lines! This applies in all aspects of or US of A!

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