More on the Norway Terror and Jumping to Conclusions

Nothing is ever as simple as we would like it to be.

As I write this, I am aware that Breivik’s manifesto has been made available. It’s longer by far than that of the Unabomber, and I won’t pretend to read it. I’m sure it will be mined for weeks by real experts who know more than I about the context from which it arises, along with a hoard of others who probably know less than I do about things in general. Most of what you can read about this is already not worth your time. Maybe this post isn’t worth your time, either.

I’ve already signaled in yesterday’s post I have no dog in this fight. That’s the point here: Things are so very complicated this event does not lend itself honestly to any single agenda. It will be used by many different agendas, and I am inclined to think even Breivik’s own stated agenda cannot account for what happened. Do you honestly expect people are mostly logical about things? For example, I noticed someone fussing about how Breivik’s writings before his 1500 page rant didn’t seem to match the stated motives. If he’s a genuine nationalist, why didn’t he write it in Norwegian instead of English? Of course, the answer is he wanted to reach all of Europe, and English is the most common second language in the whole world, particularly online. So maybe he wasn’t a real nationalist in the strictest sense of the word, since he went on and on about “Eurabia,” as if he wanted to defend Europe as a whole. That is not a purely nationalist concept, but humans are like that, so don’t expect any of this to follow pure logic.

I’ll be the first to admit it does not require a Zionist to hate Muslims. Ask Charles Martel; as I understand it he hated both Jews and Muslims, though it was the latter he defeated back when Islam was young. In those days, the Muslim version of evangelism was conquest. Sometimes it was brutal and sometimes it wasn’t that bad, say those who lived through it and wrote about it. If you dig through the unnoticed details of more modern times, you’ll find something everyone wants to ignore: Muslims themselves have gotten over that urge.

When we examine the life and influences of every Muslim who became a leading figure in reviving the old Islamic conquest, all those jihadists, we find they were shaped in part by what appears to be a concerted plan by Zionists to provoke them. That is, the leaders of Zionism have been working hard to create a big bad Muslim extremist trend. If anything, it appears they are rather frustrated by how uncooperative Muslims have been with this plan. So you should hardly be surprised when someone suggests most of the rockets fired from Gaza into Israel are non-threatening, and the Gazans are trying to stop even those. Every major terrorist act against modern Israel was committed by agents who were funded and led by Mossad. If you really want to know, you can find the resources which explain all this. Does Islam not lend itself well to such things? Of course it does; were it not so, Zionists would have chosen some other bogeyman. The real Nazis are gone.

If modern Israel were a truly Covenant nation, I’d be first in line to say we should support them. The closest you can come to Moses in Israeli politics is a bunch of Orthodox Talmudists. While they are very influential in the government, they are not even remotely Mosaic. That’s another open secret. Modern Judaism is vastly different from Hebrew religion in the Old Testament. Never mind the propaganda claims about being the gatekeepers of Moses, these folks were deeply Hellenized before Christ was born, and for the record, Hellenism is hostile to ancient Hebrew intellectual culture. If modern Israel had even a tiny thread of truly biblical religion in their politics, I’d say we weren’t doing enough to support them. But they have no such thing, and what they do have is such a hideous racist pit of hatred for all the world, God Himself is embarrassed. This is not the nation God created and commanded to reveal His Laws to all the world.

I’ve already outlined in yesterday’s post how we Americans got involved in serving Israel. The strongest single voting block remains rabidly pro-Israel without reservations. That our Dispensational heresy has infected all of Europe (the whole world, in fact) is no surprise. I was there and saw it first hand a decade ago. At that point, I was one of them. Anything which made Israel more comfortable was too little, and I cheered on the attack of Iraq. I understand that mindset intimately. You could not convince me it had no affect on Breivik. But it’s not required for him to act as he did. As noted previously, anyone can hate any other identifiable group. That’s human nature. Anyone is capable of deciding lives have to be taken to preserve something even more precious. You can be sure any number of things will be demonized by the official mouthpieces from this act: anything right-wing, anything to do with privately owned firearms, anything which resists shipping in the maximum number of Muslim refugees, etc. You can predict it before you hear it. But no one can deny the biggest beneficiary in the long run will be the Zionist agenda. If this wasn’t their idea already, they’ll find a way to make it serve their interests, and it will become the dominant theme by which we remember it.

Once more, here at the end I’ll offer my opinionated rant as a self-proclaimed modern prophet of God. You don’t have to accept a thing I say, because I’m neither motivated nor deterred by any human response to what I proclaim. It’s something burning deep within my soul: Modern Israel has no valid association with biblical Israel. What we have today has stolen the legacy and name, and defiled the sacred memory of God’s revelation. But we must not take any action to attack them, nor any other nation on this earth. Each will stand or fall at God’s behest. What I can proclaim is God’s Laws, when properly understood, will point out this foul lie called Israel which today is the single greatest threat to human life on Planet Earth. So great is this threat, it is generally safe to associate most heinous actions, such as Friday’s bombing and shooting, to the Zionist agenda. No, not every crime of humanity, but anything which carries a distinct political meaning will almost surely carry the stink of Mossad’s filthy hand prints.

Why would Israel benefit from increase Muslim migration into Europe? If you live with an activist Muslim community, you’ll understand. You won’t like it. These people make no sense unless you have studied them. Pretty soon, you’ll hate them almost as much as Israel does. That Israel leads the world in hating Muslims is undisputed.

Further, while I openly proclaim Islam one of the damnedest lies in history, I also openly warn you God will favor them on a purely human level, because of all the identifiable groups in the world today of any size, they come closest to His Laws. Islam is not actually a religion, per se, but a lifestyle regimen with religious overtones. The one best way to defeat the lie of Islam is to do better at obeying God’s Laws. You can reach towards that individually, and with your whole household. But until the land in which you live is populated with folks who are of the same mind, you can bet nature itself will eventually work to destroy whatever you try to build. God is not impressed with Norway, nor America, and is saving modern Israel for an especially spectacular destruction.

Yeah, I’m using this thing to promote my personal agenda, too. Nothing is so simple as we like.

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