Sanity Between Races

Modern social orthodoxy belongs in the toilet.

Do you want peace and prosperity on this earth? Stay in your own neighborhood. Not so much according to the color or ethnic group into which you were born, but where you want to be, and where you intend to make your life. It won’t matter what you are behind the closed doors of your home, nor what you are when you enter any other ethnic neighborhood, but you must come across as something familiar and nonthreatening where you live. You have to mold yourself to be both distinctive and unique even as you absorb the essential identity marks of your chosen “nation.” Even your rejection of social convention must follow accepted paths.

Just so you’ll keep a clear head on this, the fundamental meaning of “nation” includes a single ethnic identity, so USA is not a nation, but many nations. We are an empire, and we do it very poorly. The only thing we get right is the aggression and expansion, the arrogant assumption our wishes are in everybody’s best interest. Otherwise, we are a flop as an imperial power, as events shall soon show. The imperial forces of leadership don’t have a clue that nations within the empire should remain distinct in order to get the most from them, and not get involved in matters which impinge on national identity. Each nation should get along on imperial terms, but broad mixing between nations is just not working. You can’t simply deny the differences, regardless why they exist. America is not a nation.

I’ll give you an example of very public accommodation of your meal-ticket identity. I noticed the recently deceased Amy Winehouse appealed to the Latino market here in the US. Her British family is mostly Russian Jews. Yet, in a few videos, she could be mistaken for Hispanic. Several of her videos place her in the Latino gang scene as one of the babes you would likely see in a barrio command center. The music of such atmosphere appealed to her, and she appealed to it, oddly without the music sounding too entirely Latino.

In order for cosmopolitan chic to work, it has to be rare. Trying to raise the common folk to what many take as a higher level of social accommodation has proven a disaster. This is for royal families and diplomats, and the occasional traveling scholar. Most of humanity would cease being human if they all had to flex too much and know too much about each other. It simply is not an option. We are commanded by God to be divided into a multitude of languages and cultures, and to never, ever attempt social unity again. See the Tower of Babel. Dispersion and differentiation is His command for humanity.

So gather into your ghettos, barrios, communities, etc. Interact sparsely with other groups. There is no need for hostility, and differences do not breed it. What breeds hostility is being forced together in competition for resources. Denying cultural distinctions goes against a very human instinct which is neither morally wrong nor removable. The natural tension between nations and ethnic groups is simply the result of God’s wrath on mankind for defying Him. That factor in our existence is permanent on this plane. The only escape is to belong to another plane, because God has no plans to fix this one. Meanwhile, passing things between cultures will happen without any planning. It works only if there are distinct cultural entities.

All the beautiful theories crash on the rocks of reality. Races are different because God commands it, and working to ignore very real ethnic differences, or favoring any particular one at the imperial level, is a disaster in the making. Leveling is simply not possible, because it is insulting to all races, demanding they must forget everything they discovered on their way to surviving and prospering in this fallen world. When you demand folks mix, one or another must die, must surrender their identity. This destroys something fundamentally human, as people must be free to follow the impulses of their identity confirmation, or identity shift. It is the ultimate tyranny to create policies which place any one or more groups in disfavor, however subtly.

Racial and ethnic distinction is God’s Law. It’s not about me crowing mine is best; it is not. I despise Western Civilization. Nor is that simply perverted self-loathing, but a recognition God has judged it hopeless. Fighting God’s decrees is a begging for pain — now that’s sick.

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