Stomping Whitey

(This insane rant assumes you read the previous one.)

An IQ test can measure only your ability to take an IQ test. It also reflects the talent of the people who construct the tests and those who administer them. Only by some accident would it actually measure your intelligence.

The whole question needs reform. IQ is merely one aspect of human ability; it measures number crunching from various angles. Depending on whom you ask, there are six or more other measures of intelligence. For example, I’m reckoned by some to have a high Creativity Quotient (CQ). I tend to see connections between things most others do not, they say. But the fundamental question is more of human talent for prospering in one’s environment, maximizing control over the what comes out the other end of each encounter.

Different people succeed in different ways. Invariably, the whole thing can be tested only within a cultural milieu. The very notion of success is culturally derived. Two people from different backgrounds can enter into conflict and both come away feeling victorious for entirely different reasons. If you’ve ever experienced any part of the American prison system, you’ll know men there fear raw physical power, but genuinely respect someone who knows how to keep trying after losing every fight. There is almost a universal respect for honest guards, simply because so few guards are frank and honest. Most of them are sadistic in one way or another, and the guard culture values that. Success itself is a complex and varied concept.

When one particular nation (racial/ethnic group) manages to rise and dominate others, it is little more than an indication of their talent at exercising dominance. In their minds, this makes them a superior race, regardless whether those they dominate care a whit. To them, it’s all self-evident. Those unwilling to dominate may see the opposite answer equally self-evident.

It won’t matter if you call it Western Civilization or European, or Caucasian or simply white. It’s all pretty much the same thing. In the ongoing saga of human empires, whites have stolen everything they could use and currently dominate. Skin color is not really the point, though. It’s really the culture which dominates, the culture now associated with Western Civilization. For the moment, this is the game. If you want a piece of the white man’s action, you’ll have to be somewhat white in one sense or another. At the real nitty-gritty level of daily experience, it won’t matter what depth or shade of tan you wear, except in the initial moments of any encounter. As soon as you display a facility to make them at ease because you are actually one of them, you’re in. It hardly requires servility. In case you are wondering, the single most important factor in the whole question is making the white folks laugh.

Coming at the question of systemic racism changes nothing in the long run. If all you want is personal entrance into the places of wealth and power, it requires merely the talent of fitting in and excelling at whatever the folks there consider success. At first, don’t seek to dominate, but participate. Meet their fears with humor, not attitude, and you’ll go far. Wait a couple hundred years when some other race dominates, and the fundamental question is the same. Only the specific tactics and strategy change. At any rate, be disarming until it’s your turn to be the Alpha male. It surely will be your turn at some point. Focus on the mission; make your methods fit the moment.

If your aspirations are wider, and you want things better for your own ethnic groups, there are several options. One is be patient, because all things pass sooner or later. If you focus too much on the immediate misery, you can’t possibly win anything at all except a few art prizes. Whites are culturally destroying themselves already, and the misery factor peaks just before it’s all over. White skin as a mere fact of human biology will never go away; it’s simply a matter of DNA variation. The matter of white cultural dominance, though, is something far more fundamental about adaptation of the racial aspirations to match the reality of what makes for dominance. If you want what the white race has, learn to abstract the underlying intelligence of dominance itself. It’s not a nice thing at all, and you shouldn’t want it.

If you review the history of civil rights legislation, you’ll realize most of it has been a waste of time and effort. A part of white dominance is the cultural genius at subverting every rule, along with the rule-making process, to stay on top. It takes a solid dose of cynicism to realize white liberals are simply using the perception of inequality as the means to keeping their own little gang in power. The dirty secret? It’s not about their white skin. Only among the real failures of the white race do you see a genuine hatred over skin color. The rich and powerful are color-blind in the sense of skin tone; it’s all about the cultural orientation on success and prissy middle-class comfort versus fears. Obama knows about black culture and African roots, but only enough to play the black culture as leverage for a very white brand of dominance. While the system remains mostly white faced, it’s more important to note it’s white culturally.

Growing up poor white trash, the reason for my family’s lack of dominance was not simply a lack of education. I got a great one. It was our lack of willingness to act culturally white in the sense of what makes for dominance. We didn’t want it at that price. We hated middle class culture, and I still do. Some elements are tolerable, but some very fundamental assumptions are abominable.

It won’t matter what is morally right in a higher sense. You cannot possibly enforce a morality which has no power over the people themselves. There is that little smidgen of truth to the accusation of subconscious racism: The system in place cannot be broken by any form of opposition which uses the system itself. And it’s not enough to oppose the system by suggesting wholesale changes by revolution, either. Even the Russian Revolution required making it distinctly Russian in character. Most of the Soviet system simply absorbed the ancient Russian mechanisms for social control. It requires the adaptive intelligence, the genius to see what will and will not work with the people involved.

Want to see your children owning white slaves? Ask the Jews; America (and every English speaking country) serves Israel, which considers itself a Jewish nation. Granted, that’s national dominance, but Jews in America dominate the banking and entertainment industries, among others. They can be culturally white when it matters; the difference seems negligible to those who are neither WASP nor Jew. But Jewish culture tells them they are different and teaches them to dominate in ways more effective than open rule.

Their cultural goals are different from European whites. They’ll tell you: Take over the current system as it is, by filling it with folks loyal to your dream. Don’t make any changes until you control the levers of power, all the things you know how to use, and on which your target depends. Enhance their dependence.

The current efforts to create systemic balance between whites and others are all hogwash, a total failure. Sure, a few individuals got good things for themselves, but that simply made them partly white. There is a crazy paradox in white culture which demands both individual ambition and tribal loyalty at the same time. You’ll place your other ethnic members in good paying positions, but they’ll never have power if they don’t negotiate their way into the system itself. Despite what you think you see, the real base of power in Washington is not in the cities. The people with the ability to swing the system are the folks who know how to manipulate everyone living outside the urban landscape.

The dominant power base in America is actually another minority of sorts, though not so easily defined as you might think. We associate the right-wing Christian Zionists with Republicans — slavish to Israel. But an awful lot of liberal Democrats hold the exact same orthodoxy and fears. It’s the package of intentionally imprecise fears which runs this nation’s policies. Right now, the path to power and wealth is pro-war, pro-Israel, anti-Islam, super-patriot, ignore-all-else. Conflicts over the likes of gay rights and abortion are simply distractions the powerful use to keep the rest of us under control.

Any dominant ethnic group can rule the city, but you’ll never rise above that because no single city is big enough to touch the whole nation at once. Once this nation comes apart, the whole game changes, and things will be in a dangerous, wild state of flux. In case you didn’t notice, most of the places where minority groups could rule are now in steep decline. That’s largely intentional. Right now, it doesn’t take any particular brilliance to see the people running the system are playing various ethnic groups against each other. It won’t matter if everyone hates whitey so long as they can be persuaded to hate each other, too. Envy is surrender. Encouraging people to demand social justice — equal results in terms of apparent wealth and power, regardless of what you bring to the table — was simply a way to get folks dependent on things no one could afford. When competitors aren’t actually competitive on the same terms because they don’t actually care about the same things, they can be made dependent through faux success. It prevents them pursuing their own brand of success. It was a sucker punch, and it worked.

Another paradox history teaches is you can only defeat a common enemy when they think they are winning and overreach. The Western white culture did it to themselves. The sad part is, they will take everyone down with them, in terms of things they have dominated. I’d love to be around to see what rises in place of it.

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