A Little More Speculation on US Collapse (Updated)

I’d like to speculate further on my doomsday scenarios.
In previous posts I have speculated that there is some global elite steering events on a certain level. Not in the sense of direct involvement, but shaping things from a distance, for the most part. This shaping has not been really efficient, but that’s part of what makes it more effective. While I believe there are some rather ordinary, but exceptionally intelligent, humans involved in this global steering business, I’ve never left any doubt I always believed the real sponsor had to be Satan. It matters not whether these elite folks are something not quite human, or humans who willingly and knowingly serve Satan, because the net result would be about the same either way. So I toss around the term “Illuminati” as a popular label most likely to be understood by any passing reader.
Naturally my primary source is what I gain from Scripture. Some of my predictions are what I consider prophecy, such as the business of losing a war with Iran. Some is related speculation. Some, including what follows, is just me and my personal guessing, taking into account things previously written here.
So far, I’ve said I believe the current plans are to enslave the US population in service to the Neocon war machine. It seemed to me debt was a primary instrument for destroying the economy, and serving as the legal excuse for demanding our service. Recent events have added a bit to the picture.
Consider all the millions of humans addicted to various prescription drugs. Not just the mood shapers like Prozac, but all sorts of drugs carefully designed to treat, but not solve, a long list of medical conditions. Solutions have been contrary to Big Pharma policy for quite some time. I am certain some real cures have remained hidden in their labs, because there’s far less profit from curing than from building a dependency. I’m know for a fact a large number of natural cures have been suppressed or buried by the FDA. Imagine suddenly all those drugs no longer available. How would the dependent consumers react? What’s a mass withdrawal of ten million psychotropic medication addicts look like?
Consider the vast number of things we consume every day delivered “just in time.” Imagine large metropolitan areas when truck traffic can’t move any more, due to skyrocketing fuel costs. How long would food be on the urban grocery shelves? How will people in these urban centers react when they can’t find a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread anywhere?
Think of the recent race riots. Just this summer we’ve seen reports of at least a half-dozen of them, particularly in northern urban areas. People of one ethnic group ganging up on folks of another race at some public venue where the victims are entirely unlikely to be armed. Think about how often the news sources simply don’t report the whole story because their editors and local government agree it’s not socially acceptable to state the facts. What happens when there is much more than just hot weather stirring suppressed human passions and hatreds?
I’m not all that sure the Illuminati care if the US federal government survives. I don’t doubt the people in various official capacities will ride this out just fine, but the actual ability to assert their authority could evaporate overnight. And not come back. I’m guessing the key will be the collapse of the US dollar. A critical element in what I believe are Illuminati plans for us is to create an atmosphere wherein we would beg someone or something to take over and clean up the mess, or just supply the basics for survival. Consider a Hurricane Katrina covering the whole US, or a 9-11 type disaster in most large cities of the US. So long as what passes for “law enforcement” can mass their numbers in trouble spots and overwhelm those who get too creative for government tastes, you’ll get the humanitarian disaster we saw in New Orleans, with victims caged by a wicked and hateful government refusing to do anything except put the lid on the cooker and turn up the heat. People won’t forget that when the disaster is everywhere at once, and a great many police departments being shut down right now. I think the Illuminati are hoping it’s even worse than riots and armed looters.
No, I don’t believe their plans are all that precise and specific. All it takes is for some significant minority of the population to panic and call for whomever is offering to help solve the immediate needs. I believe the Illuminati are ready to make such an offer. That’s when we’ll find out who they are, or we’ll find out I missed it completely. Then we’ll just have chaos until local and regional governments form on their own. Who’s to say that’s not part of the plan, too? Then again, I’m not too sure any presumed Illuminati group is quite up to handling disasters they create.
What matters is we are almost surely headed for a dollar collapse. I tend to think it will be this calendar year, but I just don’t really know enough for more than a weak guess. It will most assuredly have at least some of the effects I described above. Further, it will affect quite a few other countries around the world. This is not a good time to be living anywhere your very life support depends on things available only at retail outlets or warehouses, and particularly where the US dollar is a significant factor in your financial system.
Just my opinion, you see.
Update: I was sniffing around some of my favorite alternative economic news sites and caught wind of some serious trouble for the Euro. It was partly intuition when I first wrote this blog post, but now it’s full blown logic and fact deserving an update: If the Euro goes bad, the US dollar gets that brief boost followed by a crash. That’s because there is actually less behind the dollar than behind the Euro. It would actually speed the death of the dollar. I tend to think this is an accurate assessment: “Europe On The Brink”. Might be worth reading. Don’t forget all those trillions worth of bogus mortgage investment papers still held in Europe. The banks here can’t foreclose fast enough to fix that mess.

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4 Responses to A Little More Speculation on US Collapse (Updated)

  1. Robin says:

    I work with suppliers and trucking companies virtually every day to schedule product shipments and ensure that these shipments arrive on time. Even under normal circumstances – allowing for bad weather, equipment breakdowns, and clerical or operational bungling – nothing in the supply chain can be taken for granted. I don’t see how long haul trucking will be possible in the throes of a currency collapse.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      I suppose a great deal will depend on who else sees this coming. I dare say a few state governments are not blind, and have planned a way to deal with this in some fashion. That’s not to say they’ll make it work, but a dollar collapse would not be the end of the world for all parts of the country equally. As you say, long haul trucking will go down the tubes, because it requires coordination of exchange between sending and receiving customers, and fuel along the path.
      I sincerely hope I’m all wrong, and missing something in my speculations.

  2. Old Jules says:

    Dollar collapse would certainly render the debates over Social Security moot.
    Nice blog. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  3. Robin says:

    Reading the linked post in your update, I’d agree with Heydrich that only a major war can divert public attention from the economic collapse. This would be more than a diversion; it would be a desperate attempt to convince the American people and the world that the U.S. Government is still in control of events. I’m guessing this paroxysm of murder would peter out quickly after a flurry of strategically useless air and missile strikes. In the end, it would only reduce the already dwindling military assets and accelerate the loss of credibility.

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