A new civilization is aborning.
The West is dead, it’s carcass moldering in the street. Will someone please push it off into the sewer? What once was is past. We shall be forced to bear its foul odor a bit longer, but that it is dead is not in doubt. Its last dying act was to spawn a successor.
Instead, we see the fresh-faced beauty of the Networked Civilization. You can call it another name if you like, but I would hate to limit this merely to the existing Internet. Cut all the wires and some other means of transmission will take its place. We have a had a taste and mankind will not be denied the full freedom of virtual communion. Our Internet is merely the current manifestation of it.
Governments will come and go, but only those which embrace the virtual world will keep power for long. Naturally, as with all things human, it will require a nimble foot in both worlds. However, the secret to ruling will be rooted in networking. Any government which tries to change the Internet through regulation and technological enforcement will fail. People will simply not allow it. Correctly to the voices of government policy realize the biggest threat to current Western governments is the virtual world.
And rightly so. God gave the West a chance, but she went from nasty to worse. Arrogant, spiteful, utterly mercenary, the West was doomed from the start. God published her doom long ago, but in case you haven’t heard already, you have now. The Networked Civilization will hold the same mixture of promise and threat as did all previous civilizations. It will offer much good and plenty of bad.
Of particular interest to this prophet is the opportunity to resurrect things the West tried to destroy. Materialism is an ancient god known by many names in times past, but was the chief god of the West. The notion nothing important existed outside what the five senses and analytical logic could detect was particularly offensive to God. In the next civilization, it will be impossible to carry on that way. It’s one thing to use scientific inquiry and inductive reasoning, but it’s another to suggest reality ends with what that produces. Many today of the first Internet generation know instinctively that’s not true. They might not have a name for what they seek, but it’s outside that frame of reference.
While anyone could predict much will go wrong and mankind will make a hash of it once more, we must acknowledge God has now turned His attention to the new task of raising up the Networked Civilization. Eventually, this, too will turn on Him, but that’s for Him to face. For now, the voices of His prophets call mankind to face this new future which His very own hand is helping to raise. Those of you who claim Him as Lord are now called to put your hands to this virtual plow. If we do not, we hand it to Satan entirely before it even starts.
Better by far to engage it directly and ensure some good is laid in the foundation. Thus saith the Lord: Those whom I call and touch must get fully involved in the virtual civilization now upon the earth. Now is the time to cultivate once again the ancient ways of My people, with a careful eye to what belongs today and what died with their nation on the Cross. But to drag in whole the filthy sewage of Western Civilization is offensive to Me.
Your fervent earnest prayers are an IM which will not be ignored or misrouted, because His DNS never fails.
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