You can smell a false flag coming soon.
As you scan back over the public reports from the past few decades, you realize we have suffered quite a few false flags here in the US. Increasingly, the disasters were predicted, in that more than one government mouthpiece whined about the danger of the very thing which later happened. Something like that is leaked in advanced by more than one kind of source. The US government controls a vast number of varied outlets for things they want to leak. Once you realize who is their most reliable leak outlets, and what sort of ways they are used, you can predict something coming.
Granted, we’ve had a lot of scares which never materialized. It should be simple enough to realize these things are sometimes tested and found unusable for various reasons we may never learn, but it’s not hard to imagine. Perhaps they can’t get a plausible story out there, or they changed their minds about whether it was needed. Maybe the wrong person found out the wrong information, or simply the plutocrats above them nixed it. In the past few years, though, the use of pre-leaks has grown, and sophistication has improved.
The story about a threat from some lone wolf attacker is linked to Norway’s Breivik. I’m not in a position to test whether they had warnings, since I don’t read Norwegian, but I am in a position to estimate a high probability he had police assistance in his crime. Mostly it’s the statements from the police themselves which make me think this. I’ve seen coverups from the inside before, and it looks exactly the same, though this is far more serious in nature. Never doubt our government includes people who would never bat an eye at killing some beloved public figure, or various size groups of innocent folks, simply for manipulation of public reactions. Or for any other reason; I’ve known folks in government service like that — gives you the shivers. This business of manipulating the public is part of the definition of Neoconservative political philosophy. The lone wolf scenario is likely to be used here in the US to eliminate some beloved popular figure who dissents from government policy (watch your back, Ron Paul).
We’ve also had scares about nuclear/chemical/biological weapon use in some urban area. This one is being saved, too, having been well established at least as early as the Bush administration. It still peeks out at us now and then from government mouthpieces just to keep it viable. Various plausible scenarios are trotted out based on whether the tyrants estimate resistance to some oppressive measure is getting too high.
Recently we have seen renewed talk of space alien invasions. That’s been in the works for a very long time. Quite reputable scientists have suggested it, which probably says more about the scientists than it says about what they seem to know. There aren’t many scientists who don’t draw their livelihood from some government or another. The alien invaders story is something we should expect would be coordinated between multiple governments, with an aim altogether more sinister than simply scaring people. More likely the staged attack will be saved for justifying some very broad and insufferable tyranny. What should concern you is not the probability of alien death dealing, but what sort of insane thing they would want to do which calls for such a crazy thing.
In my estimation, the likelihood of vigorous resistance to policy changes currently under consideration is exceptionally high. I’m betting the government thinks so, too. Things are already tense, coming apart in some places, just not yet in really big ways. Part of what makes it confusing for us who keep on eye on such things is the entities planning big events here aren’t all one single group. They may be working out the same office, so to speak, but they don’t appear to agree on what matters most and how to get it done. I believe this because too many bigshots have been thrown under the bus, then sometimes rehabilitated, both for no apparent reason. Seems to me things are pretty tense among the plutocrats, perhaps because things are not working as smoothly as they had hoped.
If you filter out the wild cacophony of fake “truth seekers” reporting any number of threatening things because it makes money and fame, we’ve seen some genuine humble folks report stuff that probably wasn’t supposed to slip out. Maybe they found something; maybe it’s just intelligent guess. The effect is the same either way. I won’t pretend to tell you whom to trust or not trust; that’s not the point. Too many people on too high a level can’t do without the Internet, and they are discovering there aren’t many ways to gain more control without hampering their own uses of it. Yet, that’s the primary means of those damaging leaks. I’m estimating their game is too close to unraveling if they don’t act soon, whatever it is they plan to do next.
Keep your buttered popcorn and cold beverages close at hand; the show is about to start.
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Nuclear Attack Dream
August 22 2011, 8.13 am —What a dream! I woke up this morning and I was in Houston. I was staying at a hotel near the airport. There was a lot of transportation and movement in the area. All of a sudden, an SR71 Blackbird flies overhead in spinning motion out of control. I was swimming in a pool and as I heard the aircraft and seeing it through an ample skylight, I heard its engines in distress as it flew over and crashing about ¼ of a mile away. Then, I heard a sonic boom, kind of muffled; I ducked and decided to go under the water in the pool. That’s when I saw fire above. Massive and incessant fire!
After it happened, I got out of the pool, went to the bar and watched on TV news that multiple nuclear weapons had been detonated in the Continental United States. Two and two together, I realized that Houston was hit as well. Then, I woke up and prayed.—Alexander Backman
I read the linked article, Alexander. I don’t regard Quayle as a trustworthy source. He’s strikes me as a wanna be Alex Jones, but with even less class. However, there could be a thread of truth in your article, so I’m posting your comment. Soon enough we’ll see if there’s anything to this, and we’ll all have some point of reference.