Thus saith the Lord: Withholding information is as the sin of murder.
Placing a gateway, or any other impediment to information access, is an abomination to God. If you depend on selling such access, you are a thief at the very least. Find another business model, or know the wrath of God will fall upon you.
The Network is based on trust. Trust is the currency of our commerce; it is earned by openness. Not just access, but accuracy, too. Twisting the facts and lying to promote your agenda is a form of access denial. Keep it up and you’ll be marked a liar by those who know. When justice comes, no one will trust a liar and keeper of secrets.
Naturally, their evaluation of you depends on what they seek. Civility itself does not change with the new civilization; there is such a thing as TMI (learn the acronyms). Broadcasting your private life is a sin, too. Share with those who ask, if you will, but keep your personal details off the Net, please. It’s as the sin of public nudity. Humanity is fallen, and pretending everyone can simply go along without being arrested by the sight of nude bodies is a slap in the face of God.
But the burqa goes too far. Anonymity is a precious commodity reserved for those who truly need it, and only when and where they need it. Keep hiding and no one will trust you. Your IP address is always exposed, or the Net won’t work at all, so don’t make us track you down, because if we have to work that hard, we’ll demand our pound of flesh. You can be anonymous when it doesn’t do any harm.
Share your gifts. That’s why God gave them. Those who have much, of them much is required. We reject any human controls over such matters; it’s that voluntary nature of the Network. But if you withhold the treasures of your soul, for whatever reason, no one will trust you. Love your Net neighbor as yourself. Everyone’s needs are your needs, and yours are theirs.
If you in any way touch the Net, you must participate fully, or get off. Digitize your art/data, and it is free. Period. No further discussion. Once it assumes a format which can be passed on the Net, you cease to control it. If it can be shared, it must be shared. God is angry with any attempts to restrict access to anything digitized. He blesses and supports the pirates, because they do His work.
Attempts to restrict how information is passed over the Net will fail. God Himself will see to that. All those of you seeking the means to bypass evil technology are friends of God. In dodging evil and oppression, in this alone is secrecy and privacy warranted and blessed by God. May His mercy rest upon you and all your sins be forgiven. May His kindness fill your days with joy and peace.
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There was a writer on a couple of years ago who said that the Internet interprets censorship as damage, and automatically routes around it. It’s like a living organism in some respects.
Quite so. I’m thinking that quote can be sourced even earlier, but it’s correct. The Net is all about openness and sharing.
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