Thus saith the Lord: Withholding information is as the sin of murder.
So very much has been made of the insistence some things need to be classified, to protect from enemy eyes things which might give them an advantage of us. They insist there is a tactical advantage to secrecy about our plans and methods, and that advantage is absolutely necessary. Short term military operational security is one thing; long-term secrecy from your own citizens is another. God calls the latter “lying.”
He has made it abundantly clear there is no such need. It won’t matter who your enemy is, what they know and what great mighty things they possess to use against you. If you will but choose to proceed as God has said you should, they cannot win without His permission.
Notice, I do not say they cannot win, but that they must have His permission. If He wants them to win, nothing you do can prevent it. If you obey His Laws, you vastly increase the probability He’ll never want them to win. He alone is permitted to keep secrets about His plans, but He has made it clear your best chance on this earth is to do things His way and let Him handle the outcomes. Refer to the Hebrew boys in the Fiery Furnace.
If you insist on defying His ways, you will guarantee He has to break you down by handing you over to your enemies. Whatever calculus He uses definitely tips in favor of destroying you one way or another if you defy His Laws.
His Laws declare unequivocally you shall not have secrets. A secret is any information which affects others, but is denied them. It won’t matter the motives; all humanity has the right in God’s eyes to be as fully informed as every other human. More accurately, God demands we reveal anything we know which is pertinent to the life of others. Otherwise His judgment of that person’s choices fall upon us. So classification systems and secrecy veils are a defiance of God because they deny others that final necessity of moral choice, and arrogantly seeks to interfere with divine processes. You are not God, you blasphemers who keep secrets.
There is no perfection in this world. Individuals, communities, nations, governments — all of them are destined to rise and fall. God has it under His hand, and keeping secrets attempts to interfere, to stay His hand from His decisions. All it does for you is make you a target for His wrath. When any nation defies His commands regarding secrecy, torture, and other evils, they beg God He release the demons of Hell upon them. He removes any protection He might have otherwise offered, and He permits a relentless degradation of life as that nation descends into Satanic filth. So it is with individuals and any other entity.
So it is with computers and data. All this applies most especially the moment you place data into a digital format. You have crossed a barrier, you have entered that data into another realm. It now belongs to that other realm, and you are not free to handle it in the same fashion as while it remained in some other format. Physical objects you can control and hide, but electrons belong to the ether. God sees and knows, and will not tolerate attempts to treat electrons as physical property. It violates divine principle for this earth.
Obfuscate as you wish things which are simply private. Private information is that which affects only the parties sharing it. It really is no one else’s business, and you are required by God to keep it away from others not involved. Use encryption and whatever other means. But secrets are another matter, a denial of pertinent information, a form of indirect slavery designed to unjustly shape the behavior of others. No human force can prevent you using encryption unjustly, not really. But God knows and sees, and demons stand slavering over the opportunity to devour your life if you abuse it.
Secrecy is a sin.
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