There must be sheeple.
The selection of folks who have some realistic idea how the Internet works is very small, indeed. Fact: The majority of all Internet connections terminate with a machine running some version of Windows poorly configured. The networks are clogged with them, and they do not behave properly, defying the trusted negotiations of how things ought to work among those who really do know. Because of this, we who do know something about proper behavior on the Net are forced to endure a very heavy background noise.
Who is to say their uses of the Internet are any less moral than that of the experts? The Internet knows nothing of morality itself, only function. Personal morality affects the Net, but the Net is not the proper space for addressing human sins of that sort. In our communications over the Net, yes we would discuss morality, but the Net itself is another matter. The Net cannot be made to filter for moral righteousness. So we must permit, even encourage, uses which fit in with the mindless, soulless traffic.
Granted, that there are so very many of them who cling to the non-compliant technology of Microsoft and others empowers big corporations to ignore standards, it all remains within the bounds of what we can broadly tolerate for the sake of our needs. Were it not for their money and investments into the infrastructure, the Internet would hardly be so useful and so cheap to access. The basic laws of economics require we tolerate them, even at the cost of finding ourselves a tiny minority.
They need us and we need. It is good and godly to accommodate them where we can. The world is fallen and God has a plan for those who wallow in it. In His time, all things will end, but we cannot hope for better things until then.
Rather, the mission for us is to continue the search for ways to work within the situation as it is, seeking ways to better our own uses. Whatever pure truth we wish to share between us who know can only be borne on such accommodation as we can make for mass consumers of frivolous and even harmful nonsense. There has always been, and always will be, a majority of idiots upon this planet. In their own domains, they may well be the masters of righteousness, so we tolerate them.
Nothing is sacred. Among the users of Linux we are saddled with a vast horde, a majority of users, who are just as idiotic as mindless users of every OS. The only way to prevent mass adoption of anything by idiots is to make it harder to use, and then we all waste time on things which should be simple. So we sigh and realize we cannot protect our favorite OS from people who demand whatever it is which destroys the essence of the thing. Windows can be made tolerable, Macs can do real work worth the price, and Linux or BSD can be easy to use. Our number one problem is not technology, but people.
Narrow and rough is the path, and few be those who find the truth about networking. Broad is the way which leads down to destruction, and someday they’ll take the Internet down with them. We who build the Networked Civilization must be always ready with a new technology, another form of networking, to continue what matters. Let not your zeal for the network flag, for God will prosper those efforts.
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My 1440 Baud Carrier Pigeon is standing at the ready just looking to spread some packets. 😉
And it will save civilization! 😀