My Spidey Sense is jangling: Today is a good day to tie up those loose ends, to stop procrastinating on those little tasks necessary for life. Maybe you’ll have some opportunity tomorrow, but don’t count on it. By the day after, a great many people’s lives will be disrupted.
It’s not that I believe the hype about 9/11 celebrations by terrorist cells here in the US. Our government is the only real terrorist agency that matters. You see, when you have an emergency, most government agencies will respond as they wish, when they wish. If they have an emergency, you simply don’t matter unless you get in the way.
For example, all those wildfires in Texas — FEMA got involved. However bad it was, everything just got worse. The FEMA officials have already turned away a small army of volunteer firefighters. These folks didn’t just volunteer their well-trained time, but used their own resources to get there, and brought their own equipment. But FEMA is not prepared to control those volunteers, so they are not permitted to do any work. If FEMA isn’t ready to take control of something, no one is permitted to act, regardless what crisis is going on at the time.
It’s getting to the point the first thing you do in an emergency is shoot all the FEMA folks so you can start solving problems. The problem is, they always seem to show up with a bunch of armed thugs, who have bigger and better guns, and nothing better to do than make your life even more miserable. All we have to do is review Hurricane Katrina to remember that.
FEMA ain’t good people. Indeed, sometimes they are just about the worst of all the bad folks we face in government offices. Try to avoid them every chance you get.
But they are getting all geared up for a couple days from now, making plans to be in place “just in case something happens.” Whether any real or fake terror incidents of the sort they mean actually happen, their mere presence will precipitate a state of terror. I don’t have any inside information, but I would expect things like checkpoints in the usual places as if there were some sort of disaster. All the normal business of life will be put on hold wherever these goons set up their operations.
The problem is FEMA has volunteer coordinators all over the place. You never really know when they’ll decide where you live happens to be right in the middle of some likely target zone. It seems always long past time when they finally get tired of playing games and let things go back to relative normality. So even though you know there isn’t anything going to happen where you are, don’t be surprised if starting midday tomorrow sometime these folks go crazy on us.
Worst of all, I’ll be surprised if some of this crap doesn’t stay in place for the foreseeable future.
Personal example: In the last few days I’ve switched both my desktop and laptop over to Scientific Linux 6. This is my Doomsday configuration, the one OS I know I can use in just about any situation for whatever I need to do. I also took a spare external hard drive and formatted it to a Linux file system to make sure it’s easy to backup what I regard as essential files and keep them current on both machines.
Then I did all the other niggling tasks I’ve had waiting. I made sure my bicycle was ready for hauling bigger loads than usual, fixed a problem with our Jeep, organized a few things which had been waiting for my attention, etc. I’ll be double checking the grocery cabinet, flashlight batteries, etc. I just don’t trust these crazy people we got in our government.
Clarification: The issue with my intuition is simply a call to end procrastination on whatever preparations anyone might have considered with regard to coming difficulties. All the rest was simply my personal interpretation, by whatever logic dribbles through my brain. The matter of timing is also pure speculation, in the sense of when and what. To the extent I would pretend I am a prophet of God, the message is not applicable to the timing and current events. Rather, my speculation is simply how I process something I’m not sure I understand totally.
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Hi Ed: FEMA’s always been a strange bunch of folks, even before they were incorporated into Homeland Security after 9/11. My salary during the career I retired from January 1, 1999, was paid by a FEMA grant to the State of New Mexico. Those years put me in close proximity to FEMA personnel a lot more frequently and for longer durations and I was ever able to enjoy as much as I’d have liked. Even in those days they had too much power, too many pockets of secrecy.
It’s not easy to imagine what’s happened since. When the starting point is insufferable and you’re moved to square and cube it, how do you go about it?
Thanks for the input, Jules.
I learned about FEMA when my son began training with the Texas State Guard. He was encouraged to take the FEMA courses, and we were both alarmed at what the material indicated after I helped him translate the bureaucratic jargon. That was about the same time I heard about their turning away trucks of donated supplies after storms ripped the Carolinas a decade ago. From then on, I kept an eye on them. They announced nasty plans about distributing antidotes to terrorist chemical attacks in rural Central Texas where I lived at the time. And it all kept going downhill from there. Naturally, few of us watchers could forget how they ruined so many lives in New Orleans, doing more damage than Katrina and Rita combined.
It was all just like the stuff I experienced as a Military Policeman in the Army. I grew to hate that job.
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