Reference the famous song by Sammy Hagar song. Today is my birthday; can you guess the numbers?
Now, most of those “senior discounts” kick in and you can start making fun of me with symbols of decrepitude and death. I already have a walking cane, so you’re too late on that one. And I had a series of wheelchairs until after my knee surgery, so that won’t be too funny. But I welcome any and all poking fun because, as always, I don’t take myself too seriously.
Actually, I’m closer to Hagar’s video. I can’t run any more, and I haven’t driven like a maniac in a very long time. But I still love the music genre, still appreciate fine powerful toys machinery, and I would wear crazy outfits like Sammy’s if they would fit me. For some reason, you can’t find that stuff in 2x these days, not in my price range. And while I’ve had long hair, it got pointless some time ago when there simply wasn’t enough of it sprouting any more.
So even though I still work out and people tell me I look intimidating, I’m old enough to have zero appreciation for how smartphones have destroyed computer GUIs. I’ll never use a computer which doesn’t have a keyboard made for my fat fingers. To be honest, I’m old enough to consider a computer nothing more than a fancy typewriter. Were I not pretending I was a writer, I’d have never gotten my first one, back when DOS was still the dominant PC OS. I still have my favorite DOS office suite on CD, which originally came on 16 floppies — Enable.
Have a laugh on me.
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Happy birthday.
Thank you.
Belated happy birthday. Many happy returns.
Happy ex-post birthday, amigo. Sometimes I surely miss my old Kaypro II. At the time it seems a major step forward when it came to the second, then the final drafts.
Many happy returns. J
Happy Birthday, Friend. Hope it was a good one.
Thanks, to you and others who have wished me well. For the sake of humorous literalism, my birthday almost completely lacked any celebration here in the real world. On the other hand, that was as I wished it.
Awesome. A Red Rocker reference on your BDAY!!!!
Major Congrats!!!!