A confluence of events is looking nasty. This is merely my own human thinking.
Does anyone question rising poverty in the US? Consider: The size of the economy is shrinking, because fewer and fewer players are involved in it. Many of those still involved engage a let less of it. Jobs have been shipped overseas and what’s left is far less substantial in terms of the proportional value. In other terms, more people are taking lower and lower wage jobs, when they can get them. The percentage of residents employed overall is lower.
Meanwhile, those at the top of the economic food chain are not only avoiding their share of the loss, but are actually capturing an even greater share of all economic productivity. In other terms, the rich are getting richer at the expense of everyone else. It’s not enough that vast quantities of future productivity are now held in plutocrat hands, but they are finding creative ways to scrape up more of past productivity. The distance between the top and bottom increases exponentially, in terms of absolute currency units, proportional share of the shrinking economy, and in terms of life support itself.
First the MSM ignored the protest on Wall Street, and the alternative press hyped it, and participants really hyped it. Actual unbiased reporting simply did not exist. At some point, the protest began to cause actual pain in the system, because the badged thugs were sent to cause pain to the protesters. Naturally, this caused yet another backlash, as cops themselves refused to work the protest. The communists (under whatever label they prefer) are typically the first to latch onto something like this when it proves the real committed core have staying power. So unions are swelling the ranks. Big and noisy, it still won’t mean much until the mainstream gets involved.
There are sympathy and satellite protests in other major cities, now. Each of them must persist and grow for this to make any difference. We know it can change things; we saw it with the Vietnam War protests. We don’t know if it will. With each passing day, it seems more viable.
We will have a change in government policy. Whatever happens with the protests, the status quo is simply not possible. I seriously doubt it will be the change the protesters seek. More likely is something which could be called a military coup. I tend to think it won’t be that obvious, since many currently in positions of power are actually on board with this. They won’t all have to be pushed out of office for the coup to happen. We’ve already had bits and pieces of this coup in place for quite some time. Remember the plans to post thousands of troops back here in the US on mobilization footing for the sake of putting down insurrection? Remember the FEMA camps?
Fact: The Neo-Cons will not be stopped until they are dead, along with some portion of their supporters. Whatever drives them each individually, the thing which matters most is their unified drive to proceed at all costs to all humanity. This is the nature of psychopathy. Put enough of them together and even self-preservation takes a back seat. Yes, we know who they are, and this can be stopped. But that won’t happen; good guys aren’t ruthless enough. (Recall I have a prophetic statement we would be wrong to stop the Neo-Cons by typical human means, because God has decreed this as our national punishment.)
Peaceful protests don’t affect this cabal. Make enough noise and they’ll start arresting, beating, even killing the protesters. All without so much as batting an eye. Don’t think the leadership of the NYPD aren’t willing, nor that of every other major metropolitan police department. That willingness is a job requirement for everyone above a certain rank in the system. Below that, it’s a mixed bag. I believe they know that, and when the police won’t do the nasty work, the troops will be called in — you’ll be shocked how many of them will do it. We don’t have a military union.
And they were put on alert a few weeks back.
How close is it? I don’t believe there’s a schedule, but there are tripwires. We may never learn where they are, but when the enforcement escalates is when we can tell they’ve been triggered. This may not be the big It, but I rather think it is. This isn’t just “get the popcorn ready” time. This is more like nachos, hot wings, pizza and beer.
Addenda: It occurs to me TPTB may actually be promoting the protest, playing both sides against the middle. Protests escalate, as does NYPD misconduct, then the protests grow in backlash, etc., until it spirals out of control. If the Feds/military get involved the protests will harden, I am sure. At some point, it becomes the excuse for martial law, which I and many others have been expecting sooner or later.
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