So my timing was a little off, but not by much on the scale of things. Back in April I wrote I felt things would be significantly worse here in the US before my birthday, now two weeks past. I gave it thirty days either way in my own head, and here we are short of that. I believe what I was predicting has come about. This is not about tooting my own horn — “See how smart I am?” It’s tooting the horn of using intuition and learning to trust what it reports. I didn’t say it was a prophecy, just a calculation which permitted inputs from outside the conscious intellect. In particular, the timing was the result of intuition.
Here’s my justification:
1. Banks are jacking up fees. We all know why, but the point is they are sticking it to us without mercy. It began with the Wells Fargo and their 3% charge on debit cards; BoA just announced a 5% charge. Others banks will follow, and other fees. This makes life worse for ordinary people.
2. Our troops have invaded Pakistan repeatedly. There have been small incursions since 2008, to my knowledge. It’s mostly under the radar, in the sense it happens one individual incident at a time. However, the number and density of these engagements, and the severity of the action, is on the rise. Our commanders act increasingly as if there is no border. At this point, I feel justified saying it’s all planned, as it turns out most of what we claim to be shooting at are forces our CIA has funded and equipped.
3. Major conflict in big cities. I was wondering what would be the ostensible cause, but it seems a planned provocation called “Occupy Wall Street”. My initial analysis says this is from agents provocateur. If the whole thing simply dissolves and everyone goes home patting themselves on the back, I would have to question that assessment. If they stay and it continues gathering momentum, it will surely reach a breaking point, because that is the point. Whether it’s the protesters or the government agents rioting won’t make any difference. The constant claim this draws inspiration from the Arab Spring revolts, which themselves were CIA operations, convinces me this is serious business, and TPTB intend to use this to justify removing some current impediments to their activities. The participants don’t have to know that for it to be true.
4. The Euro is all but dead. As such, it represents the European Union, which will die when the banks begin to collapse. Only on paper are the governments and banks separate, if that. When those banks go, ours will not survive intact. I can’t yet picture what will follow that, but I’m wondering if the timing is connected to the protests on Wall Street.
As a separate issue of things which have not yet happened, I’m wondering when things between us and China will blow up. I can’t imagine the question any longer remains “if” but “when”. Not only have they promised to help Pakistan against us, and whatever grip we had on Taiwan is slipping away, but yesterday Congress poked the Chinese government in the eye again. The Chinese don’t have a fire a shot; we handed them our economy long ago.
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