Complexity of Reality

We shall have a staged revolution.
While I confess to a preference for natural gardening, that doesn’t mean there’s no place for effective shortcuts. To avoid having to use pesticides, I try to grow stuff which has few natural enemies here in Central Oklahoma, crops which actually belong here. But if the ants get bad enough, I’ll consider spraying their hills to limit damage. And I’ll typically use something like Miracle Grow during part of the growing season. There are small risks to such choices, simply taking advantage of natural tendencies in natural processes, without wholesale manipulation.
I’m not all that intelligent. When I can see certain patterns in natural processes, surely there are far smarter people who see them, too. It applies to human behavior, as well. The revolt in Egypt was staged by the CIA. It’s not as if the CIA simply created it wholesale, but took advantage of the venality of her previous ruling class to make them push too far. As that point was approaching, the CIA held training camps for young Egyptians, among others, to promote the kind of thinking and particular methods in revolution which looks just like a reasonable complaint. It was a calculated risk, because it spilled over into a few countries in which the CIA was hoping to maintain the current ruling regime. I see these things simply because I’ve had an education in Social Sciences (history, geography, political science and economics), and I’ve worked in federal government services where you could see what sort of secret policies are executed. I don’t think it requires a brilliant mind to see these things.
The pattern is pretty obvious. Where the military already rules or is useful to the CIA’s policy plans, the revolts are put down. In Egypt, the military was painted as a positive force to protect the people. In places like Afghanistan and Iraq, our government is trying to build a military force more amenable to those policies, finding it necessary to destroy the military power holding sway before. In a few places, it’s enough to simply create and maintain a level of chaos to prevent interference with the CIA’s appointed mission. The CIA isn’t the only player, just the preferred conduit for conducting such broader policy objectives worldwide for TPTB. Here at home, the CIA still acts, but is needed less because other agencies can accomplish much of the plan.
I reiterate here my belief the pattern is (a) using debt to control the whole population so that (b) the military-industrial complex remains firmly in the driver’s seat. But the eventual destination is the choice of the secretive plutocrats, perhaps the Illuminati themselves. Here in the US, I feel certain now there have been repeated attempts to get us under martial law from the 1990s, at least. TPTB are pretty patient, having offered any number of provocations to the federal government — Waco, the Murrah Building bombing, 9/11, Patriot Acts, TSA, etc. Each event justifies greater oppression; event pushes us farther toward the inevitable revolt. The Tea Party was too dangerous, and had to be compromised early.  We may be seeing it now in the OWS protests at last.
It takes only a little fertilizer here and there before a revolt surely sprouts. Every revolt is subject to hijacking, as was the one in Egypt. We currently have a high degree of public favor toward our military, and few understand it is not our friend. Fools have already called for a military coup. But it doesn’t have to be called “martial law” to offer the same degree of control to the chosen instrument. Regardless how this thing progresses, the result will be the same. If it seems the momentum of the OWS protest takes off too quickly, it will be hijacked. If not, it will simply garner the reaction for a more direct assertion of power. I tend to think the latter is more likely, but only if we add in the even greater provocation of an economic collapse. We should expect the controlled opposition to alternate between facetiously picking on it, while also making it seem utterly magical and beautiful. So the contributions and direct food support, for example, should last until the crash. Longevity would contribute to the credibility of the thing.
My thoughts on this are hardly original. Just today I spotted similar thinking in a comment to an article at Activist Post. The article itself gets caught up in supporting the OWS protests. I offered a moral argument in favor of them myself, but only as an opportunity to point out the more fundamental Laws of God on such matters. That they are morally more correct is the nature of things, and whether the actors are aware of those cosmic morals or operate from some wholly different motives makes no difference to me. To the degree their actions reflect God’s justice, they will prosper. That has nothing to do with whether God plans to protect them or allow them to be hijacked. His logic is far more complex than that. These things criss-cross on multiple levels, and the human mind is simply not equipped to handle all of it.
The part which we can understand is the part conceived by the human actors. That’s already complex enough.

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