Part of me wonders if we will even have an election. It could easily be halted by a declaration of martial law. The probability of it grows incrementally every day. But just in case we do have an election, here are my crazy notions about it.
Democrats are really strange, but not quite stupid. There is a strong move to ask Obama to step down and let Hillary run, instead. Could happen, and she’d probably win. Otherwise, I’m pretty sure we won’t see Biden again. Some may breathe a sigh of relief, but you have to keep in mind, Obama-Biden has been about as harmless as we can hope. That should indicate how bad it really is, because it simply isn’t going to get any better.
I genuinely dread a Republican victory.
Romney is the anointed front-runner. He’s about as establishment as it gets for a non-banker. What hinders him is the Mormon affiliation. For all the silly noises in every direction, likely voters view Mormons as pagan cultists. Republicans pretend they are dominated by the Christian Right Wing, so it just doesn’t matter whatever else is going on, Romney ain’t happening.
Perry is just an aging rent-boy. His support for immigration grates on Republican nerves, but being from Texas, that’s where the money is. But honestly, all you need to really know about Perry is captured in merging his two primary college photos: one as a cheerleader, the other in that silly tall boots military cadet uniform. Merge them in the your mind … then remember he had really poor grades. He’s rather like Obama, an empty suit, a man for sale to the highest bidder, but a different flavor.
Cain is the rising challenger, and very likely to be the nominee. The main point is he’s not just a banker’s candidate, he is a banksta. He is one of those 1% who gambled all the deposits on mortgage swaps and other silly things, lost big, and applauded the plundering of the taxpayers to recoup. To him, the current banking mafia elite is the sacred temple of God and all else can go to Hell. Bonus points for being all black and all American, versus half-black and half-American like Obama.
As we all know, ghosts in the closet can change everything, just like musical chairs. Still, from what we now have, I am guessing we’ll have Cain for President unless Hillary is the opposition. The latter makes her husband look tame, and she won’t suddenly become regal and reasonable simply because she gains the throne. The bright side is our national policy misadventures won’t get any worse. That is, they’ll continue on the same path at the same rate. Cain is Babylon, pure and simple, a fascist dictator. He’ll accelerate the de facto martial law slavery to the military industrial complex, and is the kind to bomb Iran yesterday, and China next week.
Third Party? Not in Ameristan.
All of this because our voters are just that stupid. We deserve so very much the wrath of God.
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