It’s not possible to be sure exactly what the facts are in some situations, even when you are there seeing it first hand.
For example, did you know the label “natural” on most foods has little resemblance to the meaning you and I would naturally assume? We think it means the only difference between the raw product and the stuff in the package is some basic physical handling. Something has been harvested, chopped, maybe dried, then mixed, and perhaps baked or boiled. Then it’s packaged and sold, right? Almost invariably, when you see that word “natural” as advertising on the package, it’s not even close to that definition. It’s just a sucker word, an outright lie, which is the the definition of “advertising.” You can find the label on food which has seen contact with toxic solvents, not to mention significant residues of pesticides and such. You can’t taste those toxins, but your body knows in the sense that stuff affects your health incrementally, and causes entirely unnatural medical problems and premature death. Yeah, “natural.”
The OWS protests have manifested in my area. I could take a 20 mile (32km) ride to Kerr Park in downtown OKC and find our local version of OWS. It’s pretty peaceful so far, and I’m sure it would be very interesting to meet some of the people involved. But I’m not going to go there. Much as I like what it represents, I doubt the majority of the participants really understand the dynamics of it all. Yes, many of them are seasoned veterans of various forms of political protest and activism, including a very high-powered lawyer helping lead the thing here in OKC. Still, I doubt they realize what is truly necessary here.
I’m guessing the OWS folks in Boston know. I confess I don’t have a solidly researched assessment at hand regarding the relative belligerence of the various major urban police departments, but I seem to recall the Boston PD has never shrunk from breaking their own laws. Seattle is notorious for it, too. Then again, the OKCPD has never hesitated, either, but you probably haven’t read much about their moral failures unless you are tuned into our local news. Even then, you have to read between the lines, because precious few reporters from any agency would dare to rat on the OKCPD with any reliability. Seems to me it’s partly that OKCPD has never faced something which really sells papers nationally. Whomever might be blogging about it gets little attention. Bloggers revealing the sins of Boston or Seattle are probably more numerous, and are certainly more famous. Their populations are much larger than OKC, but I imagine the real difference is we just don’t get much notice.
Besides, right now there is no conflict between our OWS crew and the police.
But a major issue is the effectiveness of the protest itself. Moral persuasion arising from activism is seldom of any significance. How badly the voting population dislikes something has no bearing on the matter. The whole nation despised TARP, saying quite loudly they didn’t want it, but it went through. I can recall the massive anger locally at Senator Henry Bellmon for signing the treaty which released US ownership of the Panama Canal, but that didn’t stop him. He faced recall, and still retained tremendous influence. Lots of things have happened like that, but the sheeple hardly did more than bleat impotently.
Other protests have been more effective, at least apparently. The sheeple lost interest in supporting the Vietnam War and it did have an effect on our involvement. The protests did make a difference. There are a lot of factors going into that, such as the timing of the whole thing, coinciding with a long planned major shift in our national social consciousness on a whole range of things. The very character of the US shifted dramatically during the two decades following WW2. Significant to me was how several Christian denominations were dragged kicking and screaming by a leadership coup from the pacifist side over to the pro-war side. At about the same time, Dispensationalism was taking over the same bunch of evangelical denominations. The two are obviously connected, and together paradoxically connected to the polarization arising from the rather effective antiwar protests.
It’s not the same world today. Moral persuasion is simply not possible, unless it doesn’t matter. So long as sheeple sentiment is unlikely to affect plutocrat activities, the protests are harmless and permitted. To be effective would require the sheeple being more afraid of the thing protested than the crushing hand of the plutocrats. What OWS is protesting is the plutocrats themselves, and their greedy actions in destroying what was once a pretty strong economy. That the banksters did destroy it is simply not in dispute. It’s a fact, and they did it intentionally, whatever may have been their reasoning behind it. They have no intention of repenting. In that sense, you can say the 1% are functionally psychopaths — completely devoid of any capacity for human feelings like compassion, empathy and guilt. Changing this situation would require something I don’t believe the protesters are willing to recognize consciously.
It would mean at the least a genuine revolution where the plutocrats lose all their powers and privileges. Because of the depth and breadth of their control over the levers of power, the means to project their power and will over the population, this would almost certainly require a massive human slaughter. But short of that, should the OWS protests manifest even the least manifestation of leverage to actually accomplish a genuine change, it is they who would be destroyed. The plutocrats, working through the various agencies they control, would not hesitate to slaughter the protesters, and even a large portion of the sheeple, if that’s what they felt was necessary to preserve their position.
For now, it’s enough to allow the police to rough them up, arrest them, etc. It’s not a simple formula, because some police departments, as noted, are more eager than others. Each city has its own unique atmosphere, and the protesters involved appear to have a different collective character in each city. But if the protesters are determined to effect a change, many of them will die in the process. Were that the only consideration, I’d be involved myself. However, I am utterly certain it won’t happen. That is, changing the system is a pipe dream, because the system simply is not vulnerable in any meaningful way to whatever the protests can possibly accomplish. Were their actions sufficient to stir a genuine revolt in the sheeple, the plutocrats would still win. We simply do not have what is necessary, regardless of how you approach it.
That’s not simply a tactical and strategic evaluation, either. It’s not the right time; the fruit is not ripe. Nor can it be harvested in this fashion. This will be a huge mess, and it may contribute to the final ripening, but I doubt it will do even that. Mostly it will serve only to prove how it’s not yet time. I most certainly am interested in seeing the current regime fall, and I do possess the intent to get involved in bringing it about, but not through any such means. There will be a massive loss of life, both in this and in the end itself, but I will not put my hand to causing it, much less participating directly. I serve a God who won’t permit it, and He has His own plans.
I don’t profess to know much about those plans, but I do understand them in the sense of how such things pass as a type. This thing will die by its own violence, consuming itself internally. The plutocrats will destroy themselves. These are just human beings, in some ways less than that, but for all their eminence, they are just people. They aren’t capable of calculating accurately everything that’s going to happen, much less control events. Smarter than most of us, they’ll take full advantage of mass human response and all the failures that entails. But they don’t see accurately their own failures. Whatever it is they think they are trying to gather and keep will simply flow through their fingers like sand. Without that stuff, they are actually more vulnerable than sheeple. They got into their positions by a powerful driving sense of insecurity, and that insecurity will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I’ve rattled on long enough. Let me reiterate I have a prophetic assurance we Americans deserve this ruling regime, and we are forbidden to raise our hands against it. It is our punishment for the vast sins of our nation in essentially stealing everything we have and pretending we built it ourselves from nothing. We have trespassed and transgressed almost every other country on earth, used and abused them based on philosophical assumptions which arrogantly denied our culpability. So the police state oppression is the rod by which God will punish us. The punishment will stop when some critical mass of souls — He alone decides — have repented. Then He will break that rod. Things have been set in motion already, and the only few exemptions are for those individuals who repent now. All that means is God will reduce your personal share of the wrath due America as a whole.
This is what I plan to promote, support and how I’ll get involved; this is my activism. The shortest path to relief from the 1% is quite honestly breaking away from the system which put them in power, not by direct action to tear it down. It’s that old business of “serenity”: Don’t waste time bumping your head against a stone wall. Put your hands to things you can actually change.
Red pill or blue pill?
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