The debate between MS fans and Linux fans regarding the new secure boot and replacing the old BIOS on computer hardware is getting stupid. Since I’m a nobody, I don’t expect anybody to pay any attention, but I figure on my own blog I get to spout off.
1. If you think Microsoft isn’t trying to make Windows stronger against viruses and such, you don’t understand how corporations work. Their market place dominance really is at risk and they know it. They are trying.
2. If you don’t think Microsoft would willingly and knowingly break the laws of any country, if they thought they could get away with it, you are either abysmally stupid or intellectually dishonest. Microsoft is run by psychopaths, and only their desperate need for more dollars will keep them from murdering outright you or anyone else. If there were more dollars in it, they would torture kittens and puppies.
(If it’s any consolation, a great many Open Source projects seem to be run by psychopaths, too. However, there’s no money in it, so they only torture their own clients/users.)
3. If you don’t think Microsoft would do anything possible to destroy Linux as a competitor, you are either abysmally stupid or intellectually dishonest. They admitted this a long time ago.
4. If you don’t think the OEMs would do any damned fool thing Microsoft demands of them, you are either abysmally stupid or intellectually dishonest. It has happened every year since MS-DOS become the dominant OS on corporate and private computers. Nobody building computer hardware can afford to argue with MS unless their entire market is with Apple, Unix, etc.
5. If you don’t think some hacker or team of hackers can’t figure out a way past this new BIOS replacement once it begins to appear on computer hardware, you are just whining. Shut up. Linux developers have yet to be stymied in cracking and hijacking anything they can use to run Linux, because too many of them know the details of hardware manufacturing itself.
Now, can we shut up this idiotic debate where both sides are yelling past each other?
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Having worked in the pc industry for about 5yrs, everything you say is absolutely true; and then some. For example, one of the japanese OEM’s wanted to dual boot linux in a way that would allow the person to play a dvd w/o booting into windows. Ie. turning your laptop into a simple dvd player. Even though the user had no idea they were using linux in dvd mode, MS killed this super fast and made sure everyone knew this was not acceptable. MS did it before, and will continue to do it until they are done.