No, this has nothing to do with Global Warming.
I believe we are just weeks from martial law, or something which has a similar effect, here in the US. When you examine all the crap our rulers have been doing, sometimes openly, but plenty of it slyly, it’s hard to come to any other conclusion. Both the official government and the Shadow Government have been making preparations for this going back quite some time. Whether it comes by some public announcement following a false flag catastrophe, or simply by slow increments, the objective has always been crushing control over everything which might aid in keeping the wealthy in their comfort.
In bits and pieces, I’ve mentioned here the ways and some whys of this. I’ve talked about how fiat money and the long-standing banking practices were designed to eventually plunder the entire population. The housing bubble, the consumer debt bubble, the commercial real estate bubble, and credit bubble, the foreclosure frauds, etc. — these were meant to sucker everyone into forking over their future production, and that of their children and grandchildren. Just yesterday, we read were Bank of America moved a massive pile of worthless debt instruments from one set of books to another, changing it from a private liability into something covered by the FDIC. It was quite some time ago the government promised to cover the FDIC with federal borrowing. That federal borrowing means future taxation.
Then there is the Big Pharma mandates for government spending on toxic medications, which we may actually be forced to receive. Not just flu shots — which include crap which can make women sterile, among other things — but a whole range of medications designed to create a chemical dependency lifestyle, from cradle to grave. This stuff is shoved at us from all directions, from every institution to which we are subjected daily.
We have the mandate to build an American Empire, by sending troops to every country which dares to resist any part of the program: global banking, natural resource extraction, daring to not be slaves of Israel, etc. I wrote about how the military-industrial complex was all about keeping us in debt for these many military adventures. Then I wrote some about making military service the only job opportunity for a large portion of the working class (there is no longer a middle class). Meanwhile, almost the entire nation is in some way dependent on government largess, and everything which even hints at self-reliance is made illegal.
While the original plan was to create a culture by which we would welcome all these controls and the servitude, it was always recognized that might not work beyond some invisible point. I doubt anyone has it so perfectly measured they already know exactly where that point is, since it varies individually and regionally, and across various sectors of society. So the Shadow Government simply had backup plans to enforce their will if and when the slaves get too rowdy. The Tea Party was seduced, compromising over the likes of long established government welfare programs. We shall see whether OWS can be compromised, because it has most assuredly been infiltrated. Already we’ve seen a great deal of whining about expecting the government to fix things, and it seems they don’t understand the government cannot and will not, because it already is wholly owned by the folks who created the problems.
By no means can I guess whether TPTB are calculating at all for it, but there is still a God in Heaven who organizes natural disasters as a response to broad immorality. Whether you envision it as a well-oiled mechanism or something more personal, the point is there remains a very powerful moral element in the cosmos. Push too far too long and it breaks, and stuff gets ugly. It’s vaguely possible things like Hurricane Katrina can be enhanced by HAARP, but that’s not really important. What matters is how the government took advantage of something which appears to be an Act of God (legal term). TPTB will keep doing this, so it seems to me it’s easier to explain as opportunism, because it’s adequate for examining the results.
I’m willing to bet TPTB will be surprised by some catastrophes God has in mind. It’s not as if I have any discrete revelations on such things, but as a prophet of God’s Laws, I’m well acquainted with the history of such things. If you measure morality by Western assumptions, lots of them make no sense at all. If you see them through ANE Hebrew morality, all of them came as a result to known violations of God’s Laws. The apparent readiness of TPTB to take advantage of major events in aggregate human choices to protest or revolt translates rather well to opportunism at lesser natural disasters. I’m not sure even the Illuminati are ready for, say, a massive tsunami on our Eastern Seaboard arising from volcanic activity in the Canary Islands, so they hide the information, just as they still do for the Fukushima disaster. But those of us who tend to see things in terms of God’s Laws, something like this is expected. So while I’m sure their contingency plans account for some probabilities in both man-made and natural disasters, the final end of the matter is really not in their hands.
My contention here is, however bad it may be as we descend into martial law, you haven’t seen anything yet. In the end, God will break the power of these evil rulers, but not before His wrath falls justly on the nation which permitted them to rise to power. My prophetic warning we would sin by resisting this particular imposition of martial law is only part of the picture. While we brace ourselves for the coming oppression, we should also keep an eye out for much bigger threats no mere human can predict or control, and for which there is no practical preparation possible.
As a sort of footnote, I’d like to ask folks to be careful using the image of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. That represents entirely man-made horrors. It’s a known sequence: arrogance and conquest, war and the oppression which follows, then the economic distress from the destruction and plunder of warfare, then death by disease and such because the social infrastructure has been destroyed. It has nothing to do with direct Acts of God.
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Seems to me the problem for anyone trying to predict outcomes of composite situations involves constructing scenarios, probably as models, and trying to comprehend where they lead when unpredictable strings are pulled. Almost impossible, certainly improbable. But when the overall circumstances don’t allow constructing any scenario of the future not involving profound changes in ways most would consider negative a frantic search begins for the unlikely to save the day, ulling down imaginary wisdom and non-existent leadership to do the job.
Seems to me there’s a considerable obstacle course between here and whatever the bottom is we’re most likely to hit.