Lots of frantic posturing about November 5 and 9.
There’s this drive to get folks to pull their money from the big banks by November 5 and switch to something smaller, local, and more like a savings and loan or credit union. That’s a Saturday, in case you haven’t checked. Some of the activists predict the banks will simply close that day, maybe even have the government declare a banking holiday. I tend to think this is pretentious. I sincerely doubt there are enough folks involved to make much happen. More likely the banks will simply put up a sign about being out of cash or something.
Granted, it would be a different story if something crashed somewhere in Europe. But while it would surely hit our banks here, I’m not convinced it would be such a huge thing. The big banks here are already technically insolvent, and lying about the value of what’s on their balance sheets. What difference would it make if they simply changed the numbers on their lies? I feel certain our US banks will shut down based on something their management has already worked out ahead of time.
Then on November 9, the following Wednesday, the EAS (Emergency Alert System) will run a broadcast test around 2PM EST. This agency replaces the old Emergency Broadcast System we used to hear on the radio and occasionally see on the TV. I don’t use either one much, so I can’t say what they’ve been doing lately. But they plan to do their thing that day and the same folks are in a lather this might be the actual day they take over the public broadcasting.
As if the Entertainment Industry would stand for that. They already spew a constant stream of government approved manure in the first place, so where’s the need of a takeover?
It’s not as if to say there can’t be big things happen the first of November. I still think Israel has plans to bomb Iran without telling our government first, and that first half of November is pretty much pushing the edge of the window on seasonal flying conditions. In other words, that is highly probable in my estimation, and Israel is unlikely to coordinate with our emergency procedures. So it will be a complete surprise, but only in the sense of what hour it begins.
The folks who keep trying to guess the date of imposition of martial law remind me of the vast stretch of Christendom which fastidiously ignores Jesus’ own warning not to do that stuff. We have two whole chapters in Matthew’s Gospel of Jesus telling folks not to try estimating the time of His Return. And big bunches of them have been doing it ever since. He said the only way you could prepare was to be ready all the time, mostly by occupying yourself with stuff focused on His Heavenly Kingdom, not on this earth. He did warn them to be ready to flee Jerusalem (which they had to do about 40 years later), but said most emphatically that had nothing to do with His Return.
When you see troops massing somewhere they typically don’t, things are fixing to get ugly. Try to stay out of their way. That’s just common sense. But trying to guess when the psychopaths are going to strike is a waste of time. We might have some valid hints about what comes with that, but I’m not too sure of that, even. Oh, we will indeed have martial law, and right soon, but that could be anytime in the next two years. For now, I doubt it will take that long, but things change, and so does my awareness of them. Relax; nothing you can do about it anyway.
That is, there’s nothing you could do that you haven’t already ought to have been doing. The same bunch of folks have been predicting it for as long as I can remember, and we aren’t there yet. It’s coming, for sure, but I doubt we’ll be warned, because the folks running this show are having too much fun watching the idiots panic over nothing.
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The bag of pinto beans, the bag of rice and the bag of cornmeal, the ability to start a cookfire and something to boil water in are all within the capabilities of anyone who believes enough in it to have them in the larder. They’re not time-dated in such a way as to care when things happen within a fairly long time span. Whatever ‘martial law’ involves, it might well not involve what anyone anticipates. There might yet be enough elbow room in whatever developes to cause a person to regret not having invested in a bic lighter or three, a pocketknife, and the items mentioned above.
Exactly. It’s just not that hard to take care of the minimum. For the rest, it’s mostly attitude.