It’s a waste of emotional energy to dread global government; it’s going to happen.
Sure, it may not ever be completely in control. No government ever is. The harder they try to seize control of that last margin of resistance, the more surely they’ll fail in ruling. Most of the real global conspirators know that. If they weren’t that intelligent, their conspiracies would already have failed.
The biggest problem is not the global government itself. It’s what those brilliant psychopaths have to do in order to make it happen. What infuriates me most is the vast stupidity of everyone in persistent fantasy chasing. No, global government will not be good. All government, as we conceive of it now, is by definition evil, because it requires an evil soul to want that sort of power and control over others. The only form of government which works is the one everyone hates the most. So we have a half-dozen basic concepts, in which we imagine folks should have some say in how they are governed, when those systems we prefer cannot possibly work that way. We have sufficient historical example to prove this, but the fantasy just won’t die.
Because of this fantasy of having a voice in government, all the successful governments are forced to deceive those they govern. The more successful they are at ruling, the more expansive and insane those lies have to be. Inevitably, this makes the functioning more painful and destructive than it has to be. Sooner or later, when in the natural progression of things the ruling class get honest with us about their intentions, we throw a fit. If not, we are so utterly stupefied by the palliatives and distractions we are utterly useless. Either way, our fantasy about having a say in things creates more misery than has to be.
If we actually did have a say in things, it would be just as bad. America discovered that very quickly, and crushed the Articles of Confederation into the dust of history. If you know your history, think about it for a moment. When the people actually have power, it makes no difference whether the assumptions are democratic, republican or communist. The rabble cannot possibly think beyond their own comfort. The process of human education cannot ever be good enough to overcome that. It is not because individuals cannot be educated above that level of stupidity, it’s that aggregating them in any size group worth governing changes the equation without fail. People in groups are inherently more stupid than individuals. Groups can’t reason the way individuals can. The more diverse the members of the group, the more insane their lack of reasoning.
I would, and you should, fear democracy of any flavor more than any oligarchy or monarchy. Tyranny by the elite is the natural state of things on this plane of existence, but you can’t make the world understand that. As the technology of communication becomes more advanced, the reach of any tyranny must inevitably expand. Global government is the next step, and it will happen. The only hope you have for sanity is working on that assumption.
By resisting it, we force the elite to play more head games with us. They offer these bright shining lies as inducements for the sheer necessity of getting us to go along with it. I sincerely wish I could educate folks to this reality, but I know better than to try. All I can hope for is helping a select few by reminding them of the obvious. Since you already know it’s coming, far better for everyone concerned is that we make realistic plans to play whatever hand is dealt. It’s good to have intelligence, talent and perhaps some stuff to make yourself useful to this coming Beast, but the most important asset is attitude.
Granted, if your mission and calling in life is to stir up trouble by resistance, the least you could do is be realistic about it. Resist what really is a threat to us, and fight that. And when it comes time to suffer the consequences of your resistance, be serene and joyful, because your job is done.
At this point I presume my readers are smart enough to realize I do not counsel lying supine beneath the boot of this global cabal. You still have your own sense of calling about what really matters, just pursue that within the limits of the situation. No human government can ever possibly be good. Don’t lick the boots slavishly, because that’s just another lie. No real global ruler is going to expect you to love them unless you identify with the idiot mass. They would prefer you be realistic in choosing to find a sane role, in which you come to grips with reality and make your choices based on what you really find you must do. So whether you are a resistor or a compliant servant, or some mixture of both, you should be cynical enough to have discarded all the fantasies. This compels the rulers to be honest with you, much as they might enjoy the drama of playing at being savior of mankind.
Your choices will make a lot more sense when you see through the layers of deception about the certainty of global government.
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