If I Could, I Would

Yep, if I had as much money as he does:

[Ventura] vowed to apply for Mexican citizenship so he can live there more months of the year….
“I will never stand for a national anthem again. I will turn my back and I will raise a fist,” he said.

He is entirely right. If he had done as the judge said, it would go before a panel of judges and be buried. There would be no point if he couldn’t get a jury, which would be guaranteed to side with him in almost any jury pool I can imagine. That’s why the judge refused the case. Rare is the judge still willing to so much as appear to kick back against the hand that pays him.
We all know, of course, this is grandstanding. It’s what you do when you have a pass to enter the grandstand. Ventura does.
We don’t. We have to do something else. Of course, things aren’t so sweet in Mexico anymore, anyway. But I’m sure Ventura has the leverage to keep the Narcos away from his door down there. For whatever reason. I’d pick places farther south. No, no place is utterly safe, but given what we can know about things in general, Tierra del Fuego is looking better all the time.
The roads don’t run from here to there, far as I can determine. Couldn’t afford the gas, anyway. And there is some hostile territory to pass through, so biking isn’t an option.
Without a pass to the grandstand, all we have is what we have and can get. I decided long ago the stars and stripes were not an object of veneration. How easily we forget it has always been a purely war emblem. It’s called a “battle flag.” You aren’t supposed to fly it in peacetime, or over any administrative office not under literal military attack. But I don’t bother to insult it, either. Even if it hangs around awhile, it will never again mean what it once did, which was bad enough. Nor has it ever meant what most people think it means, which turns out to be even worse. As it is, I figure we won’t be seeing it officially much longer.
As the song says, “Pledge allegiance to the flag, whatever flag they offer…” I’m a citizen of Heaven, and My King says He only loans me out to lesser authorities at His discretion.

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