The worst is over, now.
All the stuff we intended to keep is now in another place. Most of those places are fairly appropriate, for now. There are a few items still sitting in inconvenient places, but don’t expect to be moved soon. Some items, maybe never. Normal humans always find more important things to do than to obsessively park every item in some particular proper place.
Being as I’m an introvert, I need lots of time just to be with my own thoughts. It’s not a dislike of others; other people are the only reason I live. And I am quite comfortable dealing with just about anyone, but only when there’s a reason for it. So instead of picking over things not completely put away, I’m needing right now a lot of quiet time.
Of course, with all the walking, climbing and lifting I’ve done over the past few days, my bad knee is swollen and painful. That means I can’t even take a solitary walk. That bike might need a long ride tomorrow.
I’m blessed to have enticed my neighbors to take away all but two pieces of junk. It would have filled a dual-axle U-Haul trailer. My entire collection of vintage computer stuff went all at once. I’ve kept only a tiny handful of spares I’ve seen the need to use in the past. My “office” is a comfy office chair I bought awhile back, a shelf full of stuff I use all the time, and my laptop — all next to the bed. My private space is smaller than most aircraft cockpits.
The only thing I’m still waiting on is a real job.
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