You are wrong about most things in one way or another because you have so deeply absorbed a fundamental error about which you seldom give a conscious thought: The high point of human social and religious development was early in Hebrew history, just about the time of the Conquest.
The pinnacle of human understanding of God’s will was in Christ. John’s Revelation of Jesus Christ (AKA: The Book of Revelation, The Apocalypse) was about Jesus Christ. In pointing out some not-so-obvious truth about his first cousin and best friend (no human on this earth ever knew Jesus better), John points out how the world is going to decline, steadily getting worse until the End. He wrote that from his own time, at the end of the First Century. As the last living Apostle, he knew human understanding as a whole would go downhill from his time. Jesus was the climax of all any human could know about God on the level of the flesh.
The things Jesus taught about Moses pointed back to a time long before His own life. We have to grasp the fundamental truth Judaism was not then, and certainly is not now, a valid understanding of Moses. Worse, He made it clear Moses was a weaker derivative of God’s Laws. He made very pointed complaints about the Talmud, which He referred to as “traditions of the elders” or “of men”. The point being, the “Oral Law” was bogus, a perversion of what God revealed through Moses and the written Scripture. It was a perversion because it was an understanding of Moses reinterpreted by Western analytical (AKA: Aristotelian) logic. In essence, it was the assumption a literal reading is best. That was a departure from God’s chosen intellectual climate for understanding revelation. Jesus taught this very thing, demanding the leadership of His day return to the Ancient Hebrew mystical understanding.
Almost the whole of modern Christianity assumes Aristotle was an advancement over the “primitive” ancient Hebrew ways. Christians assume without even so much as a scintilla of questioning that our Western intellectual assumptions are correct, superior to the old ways of the Ancient Hebrews. We thus reject Jesus’ teachings. Society has not advanced at all, and intellectual progress has been a progress away from the Truth of God.
The ancient mode of thinking has always been superior, and always will be. That is what God says. Sand is typically formed from degraded rock and stone. It’s no accident Jesus used sand and stone as a parable, because when you build on Aristotle, on the Enlightenment and any other form or Modernity or Post-modern thinking, you are building on sand. No part of Western Civilization is built on the Word of God. It is built on some human logic, an attempt to pulverize God’s Truth. The Rock is Christ, and His teaching presumes a rejection of Aristotle and the West.
Whatever is you believe you have built for God is just a sand castle, and it will collapse when the next period of tribulation washes over it. The Truth of God comes in symbolic logic, so get this now: Western Christianity is a fake.
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