Don’t be too simplistic.
In several posts I’ve advised folks to use Game as a means to operating in social situations, simply because that’s a reflection of basic human nature. It applies most of all when you find yourself in a new setting. You walk in the door; the one thing which matters most is keeping your cool. If you can build that overpowering sense of mission, nothing will ever shake you, nothing will ever surprise you. Stay somewhat aloof. Make eye contact with whomever makes themselves significant; then close your eyes deliberately and look away at something else (says Vox). It works.
When I do this, I’m only acting. It’s not an easy part to play, because it’s not my natural personality. Indeed, saying “I’m an actor” should be a clue.
Simply because I’m introverted does not mean I have no social skills. I did have to learn them the hard way, but learn I did. I gained a very powerful stage presence. I know what to do when all eyes are upon me. I can tap dance, as the expression goes, and have typically gotten away with it. I am shameless, completely open and frighteningly honest about myself to others — but only when it serves a purpose.
I didn’t get there easily, because I had to become that honest with myself, first. I had to become the fellow who never takes himself seriously. When the focus was no longer on me, but on the truth — that Christian Mysticism thing — it no longer mattered what I or anyone else said about me. If it is true, who could argue, and why would they? I won’t. If it’s not true, in most cases folks who matter to me would know better.
Charisma is different things to different people. When people tell me I have it, all that means is I was able to reach them without trying hard. It means if I wanted to lie, I could very easily. Apparently I have little trouble getting the majority to follow me when I speak in public. This is something you can hardly train for, because everyone who really has a conscious awareness of such things agree: You either have it or don’t. It’s a gift, a talent, in the sense it is written into your character at birth.
So along with my advice to be cool initially, I would hope you have the sense to eventually be as much yourself as whatever that means to you. For me, that means being a big joker, enthusiastic and energetic, crazy and shameless, etc. I’m a nice guy; I love making people smile. I’ll wrestle with kids, touch people playfully, act a complete idiot for the sheer joy of living. As soon as I think I can get away with it, that’s how I’ll present myself because it’s what I do. At the same time, I’ll take you very seriously, regardless how old or young you may be.
That’s my mission.
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