We expand on the principle half-stated in Budgeting.
We need not in any way refer to any part of Western political and economic theory to get at the ancient truth. All of that is so materially bent, no part of it is correct. In God’s creation, you regard humanity as the treasure. Restructure your balance sheet.
So while it may look like communism, communitarianism or a lot of other “isms,” the proper godly approach to physical property is certain people have stewardship, but nobody actually owns something except those who share the thing. Property is tribal in nature, and real estate is merely the function of who occupies it. All the more so in the case of so-called “intellectual property” (IP).
IP is not a thing. It is the spillage from the ferment of bright minds. Insofar as it belongs to anyone, it belongs to the tribe. Granted, the definition of “tribe” is pretty squishy when your whole social fabric is an abomination to God, but most people understand instinctively the concept of “right of use” when it comes to tribal holdings.
If the resource in question can be used by only one person, then it has normally been “first come, first served.” Only when there is some profligate waste should tribal leadership intervene to redirect use of resources. We could spend days discussing the ancient precedents about what constitutes waste, but the point stands. However, with resources which can be shared, there are no limits on who can use it. Something like IP cannot be limited once it comes into existence, so everyone has full access. The assumption is you are a team player seeking the welfare of the tribe.
Your “pay” is your reputation and credibility as one who provides for the tribe. This not merely a certificate of appreciation, but comes with very concrete perquisites attached to such honor. Everyone is someone; if you’re on the bus, you get a bite of the pie. But those who make life better for the rest are highly valued. That’s the meaning of “people are wealth.” By no means should we imagine anything which smells like modern “equality.” Modern Western humanity cannot say the word “equal” without implying “interchangeable” and that’s just wrong. There will always be some tasks for which others may be competent, but native talent and experience prevent us from ever being fully interchangeable.
Notice there is none of that silly nonsense about losing your identity in the crowd. You can always distinguish yourself by how you make life better for others. If you are so disabled you can’t reach out in some way, you can’t read this in the first place. The point is life is valued for itself, but honor arises only from demonstrated love — love defined as seeking the welfare of another/others.
Yes, we can put love on the balance sheet.
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